Some people just don't think...


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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Went to M&P's today. Was talking to one of the shop assistants and she asked me when i was due, i told her December and she said "Oh really, i thought you were only a few weeks off the big day judging by the size of your bump!" I told her that i was already worrying about how big i am and that she was scaring me more!!!! Loads of people keep saying the same thing to me and it's really beginning to make me worried about just how big the baby's going to get and how i'm going to cope with the birth!
She also said that she sees pregnant women every day and that i am definitely bigger than most for how far gone i am. She said she couldn't tell i'm pregnant from the back, which was quite nice but still i couldn't believe how insensitive she was being!
Am i being silly for letting it worry me? I felt a bit tearful when i came out of the shop. :roll:
What has ur midwife said? If she isn't worried, I wouldn't. Maybe give her a call and tell her ur anxious about size of baby and see of they can do a growth scan closer to ur due date to estimate babies birth weight. Try not to worry too much xx
Ignore her! Bumps come in all shapes and sizes and if she said u can't tell from the back then that's a compliment. I think ur bump is beautiful! Xx
HUn, ur due the same day as me and judging by ur last bump pic there isnt much, if any, difference between us!
At my 22 week I was told baby weighs 1lb 3oz at the mo. Add to that the weight of the placenta and fluid etc its alot more.
As Pos said, all bumps are different shapes and sizes... someone who might look smaller than you could be carrying more on their sides or back so its spread out.
i think you have a fab looking bump.. very neat and the prefect size :)
Ignore!! I get people telling me how huge I am all the time, don't let it get to you!
Lots of people get big quickly and then don't grow at all in the later stages, I wouldn't worry hun, although I know it's annoying when people feel that they can actually comment on it (without you asking for their opinions). Even with my distinct lack of bump one of the girls asked me if I was sure there was only one in there :mad: and the same girl said I must be having a girl because I was getting wider rather than sticking out - this was at about 11 weeks, biatch :mad:
Just ignore it hun, I tell people now if they comment on my size, they will get slapped
Blah ignor her! I think you have an amazing bump! Very jealous! People have been telling me on here that baby will only grow as big as you can handle so you'll be fine!

People can be so rude!!! Agree with all the girls comments above. Ignore her she is nooo expert on bumps and yours is beautiful so don't let her thoughtlessness get to you xxx
I know how you feel, I keep getting the opposite... "you don't look pregnant, why are you looking at cots etc" and then "you aren't very big for 22 weeks, are you sure everything is ok? Is the baby growing?" etc. Drives me nuts!
i get the same as you gingerxmas. im 23 weeks and one of my best friends who i havent seen in a while came over to drop some baby stuff over yday and was like wow i though you'd look bigger. i suppose its because im a size 16/18 originally so would love a prominent bump. my mum told me aswel she had a bigger bump with me than my sis and i was 2lbs smaller than my sis xx
Ignore them , I have a massive belly since the start in comparison to others and I believe it's a lot of water :) Baby head is just below the average as per previous scans, now it might have change since, but at the time my belly was big anyway :) Lot of mummy would like to have a nice belly, and be able to be seen as pregnant!! My sister in law who is pregnant, was always telling me "oh my god I would like the same belly than yours!!"

Don't worry, just listen your midwife, if there is a pb she will be the first to let you know!
Aww thanks girls, you have all made me feel so much better :)

I've not been told anything about the size or weight of the baby at either of my scans. My midwife hasn't said anything either, but she's not very thorough and has never felt or measured my bump. I am seeing her on Tuesday for my 25wk app' so will talk to her about my concerns then.

Due to a medical condition i am having growth scans at 30 and 36 weeks anyway so at least they will be able to monitor it. I'm such a worrier :roll:

Think i was just a little shocked at how straight talking some people can be, i would never dream of making a comment like that - especially to a customer if i worked in a shop! xxx
Aww thanks girls, you have all made me feel so much better :)

I've not been told anything about the size or weight of the baby at either of my scans. My midwife hasn't said anything either, but she's not very thorough and has never felt or measured my bump. I am seeing her on Tuesday for my 25wk app' so will talk to her about my concerns then.

Due to a medical condition i am having growth scans at 30 and 36 weeks anyway so at least they will be able to monitor it. I'm such a worrier :roll:

Think i was just a little shocked at how straight talking some people can be, i would never dream of making a comment like that - especially to a customer if i worked in a shop! xxx
I had some chav stop on the street and comment about how i was about to pop (aboout a month ago:roll:). I really wanted to ask her back why she had a huge butt but her daughter was standing next to her (who was 9-10 yo) so I just smiled.

People really do think its ok to comment on your size/size of your belly.

I had to shut up couple of my colleagues yesterday (I popped into the office to sort something), I told them I actually had to have scans and tests because my bump is measuring big, that seemed to stop them.

I dont think MWs measure fundal height before 28 weeks really so dont worry, esp if you have growth scans lined up
I had mine measured at 16 weeks but she had a trainee in there doing it so that could've been why. Maybe also in some places they might to make you 'feel' more pregnant because at 16 weeks I had nothing except flab really!
Aww thanks girls, you have all made me feel so much better :)

I've not been told anything about the size or weight of the baby at either of my scans. My midwife hasn't said anything either, but she's not very thorough and has never felt or measured my bump. I am seeing her on Tuesday for my 25wk app' so will talk to her about my concerns then.

Due to a medical condition i am having growth scans at 30 and 36 weeks anyway so at least they will be able to monitor it. I'm such a worrier :roll:

Think i was just a little shocked at how straight talking some people can be, i would never dream of making a comment like that - especially to a customer if i worked in a shop! xxx
I had some chav stop on the street and comment about how i was about to pop (aboout a month ago:roll:). I really wanted to ask her back why she had a huge butt but her daughter was standing next to her (who was 9-10 yo) so I just smiled.

People really do think its ok to comment on your size/size of your belly.

I had to shut up couple of my colleagues yesterday (I popped into the office to sort something), I told them I actually had to have scans and tests because my bump is measuring big, that seemed to stop them.

I dont think MWs measure fundal height before 28 weeks really so dont worry, esp if you have growth scans lined up

Lol well done for restraining yourself!!! Would of been hilarious tho if you had of told her she had a big bum - an eye for an eye and all that!

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