Soley Expressing - advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Hello everyone soryr not been on line for ages, will catch up with everything when i get chance.

Me, who wasn't keen on breast feeding was very upset and felt a failure when it didn't work out. I came home and started expressing. With in a few days Ellie was on soley expressed milk and has been ever since. She is taking about 90-120mls i am expressing about 120mls - 200mls, at the moment.

Anyone else is / was expressing solely?? Any advice, tips and how long have you been doing it for or did you do it for??

I keep setting my goal for another week, but ideal if i can do this for the first 6-8 weeks i will be very happy. It is tiring as you have the changing, feeding, burping then the epressing the the sterilising, so all very long winded but only for such a small amount of my time in the whole grand scale of things.
I joined the leaky b@@b group on Facebook - they're great! Definitely worth doing and posting the same thing. Well done you though! It's not easy and you're doing a great job.

I express every morning but it's for the milk I donate to the milk bank. Blake hasn't been sleeping at all the last few days so my supply has been rubbish and it's affecting my expressing. Someone on here suggested fenugreek to increase supply so I'm giving that a try today.
Will have a look on face book later thank you. I was told oats are good for supply, so i have been eating lots of flapjack. Seems to be helping and if it doesn't it does taste good ;)
Ooh cool I must grab some oats from ASDA later! X
Oats, green veg and lots of fluids breast milk is 80-90% water x

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