

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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i know there is already a few threads about softcups, but i just wanted to urge you all to to try them!

I really think they are what did it for us this month, along with SMEP. Every time we had sex around ovulation time I pop in the cup and leave it in for the the maximum 12 hours (even wore them to work!).

i rubbed a little bit of preseed inside the cup, and had it sitting on the bedside table ready for insertion as soon as we had finished.

the cup holds the spermies right up next to your cervix, and the spermies need all the help they can yet.

please please try them if you have not had any luck so far. I am convinced its what worked for me.

I used them as i was told once the egg is released you have about 6-24hours to get it fertilised. So by keeping the spermies in there constantly with the softcup, you are guaranteeing that some sperm will be meeting that egg!! (if you do it when you ovulate of course). i used OPKs and temping to confirm this.

they are not even that expensive for a box, you get them on amazon.

Are they uncomfortable? Or do you have no idea they're there? I'd be tempted to try.
if you put it in right (its really easy) then you dont even know they are in there. They go quite high up. A little bit yucky to get out cause you have to stick your finger in and hook it under the softcup and pull it out, but you get the knack of doing it with no spillage.

its worth a shot right? think they were only about £7!
If £7 could help me get knocked up, I'm all for it!
I agree £7 I think I might give it a go - I already have the preseed so in for a penny in for a pound!

go for it girls! hope you are both as lucky as i have been. xx
What are they called on amazon? Is there a particular brand? Thanks xx
ive seen these before but not tried yet. maybe tmi but how exactly do they go in - is the rim bendy?
Purchased! Although two things make me feel a tad queasy: a) the cups in the 'used' section, b) the fact they're really a type of moon cup. Respect to any ladies comfortable using them like that but the very notion makes me gip!
yeah the rim is bendy so you just nip it in the middle and insert one half and let go. It kinda pings into place under your cervix. I put them in whilst I was still lying on my back. Just made OH to pull out quickly almost as soon as he was done, before it started making its way out again!
I guess they are similar to a diaphragm I have one that I used as contraception before we decided to start trying I might give it a try next month xx
Interesting I had not heard of these! Might try this next month if we don't get a bfp this time x
oooh I am excited! hope you all get your BFP with them girls! x

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