
Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I very rarely put socks on Ruby, she is usually bare foot all the time.

I personally hate wearing shoes and socks, I am always bare foot at home and wear a lot of flip flops/pumps are I cant stand hot feet....Ruby gets tetchy if she is too warm, so I always dress her in layers and keep her as cool as poss,and she also seems to love having her feet bare

I noticed today at nursery all the other babies had shoes and socks on. Does it look bad that Ruby doesnt?? :think: She loves playing with her feet, and only pulls them off if I put them on anyway.

Mum says she looks like a little hippy chick baby!!!

Obviously once she is up on her feet, I will get her some proper shoes. ANyone else not bother with foot wear??
I never put socks on Leif. 1 cause they just fall off anyway and 2 i forget most of the time and its to hot.

I am usually pestered by people to put socks on him by people saying "ooooh his feet are freezing, he must be cold" :roll:
Flame said:
I never put socks on Leif. 1 cause they just fall off anyway and 2 i forget most of the time and its to hot.

I am usually pestered by people to put socks on him by people saying "ooooh his feet are freezing, he must be cold" :roll:

:rotfl: My OHs dad is the worst for that, he is constantly grabbing her feet saying "Is she warm enough??" :roll: :rotfl:

P.S I LOVE the name Leif! I was telling my work pals today as we were talking baby names and I said how unusual and unique it is. Where is the name from??
Dylan has shoes.

He wears socks in the house but shoes sandal etc when going out.

I put socks on as his feet do get cold but i take them off so he can loo at his feet as he too thins they are fasinating

One of the reasons i put D is shoes other than he looks cute is i worry if i don't when he is older he will feel his feet are sudenly confined and not like it

ITs personal choice though ...don't be pressured into what you don't want to just coz others do
Sam doesn't wear socks either.

In the Winter it will be a different story but not now :?

Besides the elastic bits bug him as they cut into his fat legs :rotfl:

I'm the same as you,I'm a flip flop girl & can't stand my feet to be restricted in socks!!
I rarely put socks on Austin in the house, he's fascinated by his feet at the moment (I quite often catch him sucking on his big toe :roll: ) so it seems unfair to hide them away. If we go out I quite happily take him out with no shoes or socks but OH thinks it looks pikeyish so he usually puts his trainers on unless it's hot.
Up until Naomi was walking she didn't wear shoes at all. We got her a spangly little pair for my Dad's wedding but no go, she pulled them off after five minutes. It's better to have them in bare feet while they are crawling anyway. She did put socks on for the winter time but the creche would usually take them off if she was too warm etc.

I put Lucy in socks most days as she suffers from really cold feet like me - unless its a really hot day then I won't bother.
I put socks and shoes on Arianna but within 5 min she has pulled them all off!! :roll:
I don't bother putting socks on Soph if we're just in the house (she can't get good control in hr walker with socks on either!), but if we're going out she'll have her socks and shoes on!
ill have willow in socks pretty much all the time except going to bed, she has loads of shoes and to satrt with i put her in them as i thought she looked so cute now i dont bother so much unless it is boiling hot i will leave shoes and socks off.
Rubys mummy said:
Flame said:
I never put socks on Leif. 1 cause they just fall off anyway and 2 i forget most of the time and its to hot.

I am usually pestered by people to put socks on him by people saying "ooooh his feet are freezing, he must be cold" :roll:

:rotfl: My OHs dad is the worst for that, he is constantly grabbing her feet saying "Is she warm enough??" :roll: :rotfl:

P.S I LOVE the name Leif! I was telling my work pals today as we were talking baby names and I said how unusual and unique it is. Where is the name from??

Thanks :D It is a scandinavian name which means heir or beloved depending on where you read it.
Libby doesn't wear shoes or socks until we go out, but I hate having shoes & socks on too so I guess thats why.
She does wear shoes when we go out, although last week she kicked on off halfway round town so I guess thats what she thinks of wearing shoes :lol: we never did find it either :(
i only put socks on Louie when its cold & he never ever wears shoes & he won't until he needs them for walking.
he owre shoes a few times when he was a small baby for added warmth when we went out, but only the soft pull on shoes. :D

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