socket covers


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Now that Ethan is getting more mobile OH and i r trying to sort out all the safety gear for our house- stair gates, corner protectors etc but when OH was looking up about socket covers there is info saying that they r more hazardous than the actual socket! Something to do with loose fitting and babies being able to put them in upside down (so the top pin only is in) but this actually makes the socket live! Does anyone use these or have any advice on whether we should get them or not? Thanks xx
I bought these and read the same thing so haven't used them. Does make sense what they are saying though
I haven't used them and never would!
I bought them, and my DH threw a major fit, and binned them!! He's an electrical engineer, and that was the first thing (while I was pregnant) that he had really voiced a strong opinion on!!

The sockets in the uk are too small for even a baby to get their fingers far enough in to do damage!! Xxx

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
Thank u v much for ur replies ladies! Looks like we won't b buying them then!!
OMG :shock::shock:

My HV gave me them FREE & told me to put them around the house. Seriously wtf did she do this, she said it was some safety initative thing, it was a bag with corner shields, cupboard door locks, ect ect.

Saved that to show OH who's a bit obsessive about making sure these are always in

OMG :shock::shock:

My HV gave me them FREE & told me to put them around the house. Seriously wtf did she do this, she said it was some safety initative thing, it was a bag with corner shields, cupboard door locks, ect ect.

Saved that to show OH who's a bit obsessive about making sure these are always in


They have then in the room where our post natal group meets, and they were recommended at the safety talk our HV gave post natal group.

She said she'd never known a child to take them out - but my cousins LO did it - brought her mum a whole collection of them.


On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
We used To have them in the nursery I worked in & had to get rid for that reason x
This is crazy! Y r they still selling them (and giving them out!) if they r known to b unsafe?!!!
I have no idea. Its starting to freak me out. We've been covering sockets for years & in my parents house they always did it. I keep thinking LO is gona stick fingers into them, but I know from that link that they cant.


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