So who DO you vote for and why?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hello ladies,

Following on from the BNP posts i was just wondering who you vote for and why (i think its only fair if people are asking the BNP voters to explain themselves) Did you vote labour the last time and now regret your decision? Will you stick by labour at the next election or change to the tories? OR will someone out there finally vote for the Lib Dems?

For me, im now making a point of taking a real interest in politics so i know all the facts before making a decision. Having learnt what i have learnt from the BNP thread, i can be pretty sure i wont be voting labour though (the whole benefits system in my opinion is a joke).

Lets have another good discussion (and educate me a little more on the ins and outs of politics!) :D

Claire x
If I could vote (which I cant because im American) it would be for Conservative every time.

Im sick of Labour taking (taxing) the 'rich' (so those of us that have wored for an education for ourselves, and gone out and got good jobs, and progressed well in our jobs due to long hours an determination) just to be taxed to the high hills, and money handed out left, right and center to those people that are to bone idle to get off their arses and work for the, selves, and immagrents... what other country do you know where you could turn up, pitch up home and be intitled to a house free of charge!! Wheres my free of charge house!? Oh, there isnt one, because I was stupid enough to go to university and PAY the taxes instead of sucking off the system.

Labour fucked up royaly IMHO.
CoreysMummy said:
what other country do you know where you could turn up, pitch up home and be intitled to a house free of charge!!

Erm, I don't know a single country where you could do that, but that had been debated in several threads now.

I can't vote here in general elections, but that doesn't stop me from having an opinion. Labour definitely is not eligible, in my opinion, as their policies, are now way too far to the right, they dragged this country into an illegal war (and do f...all for the poor sods who they sent there or their families), they artificially inflate threats of terrorism in order to deflect from the trouble they created themselves and I could go on.

At heart I'm a lily-livered liberal, but I'd probably vote Tory at the moment. They seem to be more clued up when it comes to economy, seem to have better ideas about education and overall seem to be more progressive than New Labour.

Whilst I don't have a problem with the Libdems, I wouldn't vote for them, as that would most likely mean Labour winning. (LibDems not strong enough here to take Labour on directly)

Btw, maybe you'll find this interesting:

On this page you can take a simple questionaire, which in return will tell you which parties/politicians come closest to your own view (I end up in the left libertarian sector myself)
I, along with my accountant own houses in manchester and liverpool that are rented through the government, and filled with asylum seekers. They have done nothing but turn up here and be given a house to live in. Fact. I know because I know where they live, and WHO pays me for the house. They turn up, claim asylum and move into my house with their entire family - and trash the place I might add.

But I dont feel like another debate either, I read the other one and that was hard enough work, never mind taking part in a debate.

I do believe I used the word 'imagrents' in my previous post, I have no proof of this - except the fact they let me move over here and pitch up home (but I have never claimed anything) anyways, I should have used the phrase (for whatever difference it makes) asylum seekers.
That's between me and the ballot box

Am I the ONLY one who's getting a bit bored now? :shhh:
After putting several more odd socks in my odd sock draw... I'm going to vote The Raving Loony Party... as I whole heartedly agree thats socks should be sold in packs of three and immigrants and asylum seekers should be entitled to that too.... :shakehead:
I don't vote...I can't be arsed! If I had to, I'd vote for the Green Party :D
Whoever represents my views best at the time, and who I feel has the best policies that are fair and just. I don't have one particular favourite party.

lol I was near the Dalai Lama, Ghandi and Mandela on that compass thing - am pretty chuffed with that :)
I usually vote Lib Dem, and they usually get in where I live, but I have to admit and veering towards voting conservative, something Id never thought Id do as Ive always been quite lefty, but the country is in such a shit state I dont think being Liberal is making things better, I think it making things worse. :?

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