So, when it comes to team yellow....


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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I can't stop obsessing.. I know it's wrong and selfish but I'd really like a boy and keep thinking about the boy looking 'nub' ultrasound, but not seeing any boy parts on 20 week thigh measurement shot... (we didn't ask the tech for the sex)

But surely if it was as simple as seeing for yourself during that shot in the ultrasound, then it wouldn't be a surprise for anyone? Anyone got any insight for me? Can you definitely tell for yourself if it's a boy? Any team yellows none the wiser after the 20 week ultrasound?

Sorry to go on. I REALLY didn't care between boy/girl to begin with but after feeling like it was a boy and then not seeing any boy parts at the 20 week ultrasound I'm all mixed up!

Oh god I sound like such an ungrateful whiny brat! I'm really sorry! Xx
We could see our wee boys willy on the scan really easily. In fact, we spotted it before the girl even pointed it out to us. She did say that usually they hav to tell people that they cannot b definate of the sex but it was really obvious on ours and she said he was 100% boy lol. Did u get a clear view in the right place during the scan?? X
When I had my 20 week scan with Toby we wanted to find out so she tried to look first and couldn't tell because of how he was lying so she did all the measurements first and then went back to look right at the end - so even she didn't see while measuring the thighs! x
My friend just had his LO and the midwife told him they still deliver 1 in 10 of the wrong sex!!
So sonographers get it wrong 1 on 10 I'm guessing it's not that easy!! x
I've worked as a midwife for 3 years now and I've only met one person who were told they were having a girl and had a boy! So our hospital must be exceptionally good at scans! :) we didn't see our boy bits until she had a look properly, even then she ha to go over his groin really slowly, but when they came into shot it was really obvious! Xx
I had a beautiful boy but without her telling us and showing us his bits I'd be none the wiser! She said ' there's a little willy' ! Lol! But just from her doing the measurements ( she told us his sex last) I wouldnt of had a clue!! Xx
i couldn't see a thing! Sonographer was like-can you see that...Its a little boy. But i was looking for 3 lines (girl) and there wasn't we're going for a 3d scan to double check! :)
This is great :) very reassuring thank you! We're finding out exactly 2 weeks from today and now I feel like its 50/50 again! We both felt strongly it was a boy before that scan so our feeling could still be right! I've now decided it's HORRIBLE not knowing haha - and to think I was intending on staying team yellow til the end! :eek: xxx
I always wanted a boy first. Don't know why just did and everyone told me I was carrying a boy. Even though all along I thought I was having a girl I felt more mentally prepared for a boy. I found out yesterday that I was right and it has taken some getting used to that i'm going to have a little girl but its lovely to know and now I can prepare for her arrival and when I feel a kick and say 'I can feel 'her' moving' I start smiling :)
awww hun good luck for your scan hope you get what u want i got impatient and had a private scan at 16 weeks and they told me it was a boy so i double checked at my 20week! i always knew i was having a boy (don't know why) but whatever ur having as long as he/she is healthy that's all that matters! xxxx
I had a private scan at 16 weeks and was told we were having a boy even though I was sure I was having a girl as this pregnancy is so different to my last one I got them to check at 20 week scan and they said boy as well it was fairly obvious it was a boy they describe it as hotdog or hamburger lol obviously you know which is which xxx
I think it really depends what position the baby is in tbh. I've had all my scans and am none the wiser still :) x
I always wanted a boy first too and being totaly honest was a little dissapointed when I was told Gril at my 20 week scan, It was only 80% so we decided during the week to get a second opinion so have a sexing scan tmrw, Every dream iv had about the baby its been a boy but now that the scan is in the morning im starting to think i hope it is still a girl LOL its funny how these things work out
We are going for a scan on Monday and really DON'T want to know so I'm worried about looking at the screen in case they accidently get a shot of a willy and I work out what it is!!!! Lol. I will have to close my eyes when they do the thigh measurements!!! I have NO clue whatsoever what I'm having, and people are guessing 50/50 split at the moment so I'm looking forward to the moment my husband tells me at the birth!! Although it is a bitch not being able to buy the right clothes, I will admit that...
Hellywelly I'm with you again! Scan on Monday but def don't want to know the sex!!

Will be the first thing I tell sonographer I think!! Was quizzing friend last week who is on baby nr 3 and she hasn't found out with any of them
Team yellow together beckyboo1! When is your due date? We must be close - I'm 6th April. I'll have a look on the roll call for yours!!
Your not a whiny brat Hun, it's natural! Considering how long hubby and I were in the ttcing game and eventual Ivf we still found ourselves wanting a girl.

Our wish came true, we have a girl on the way but to be honest if it was a boy I would be just as happy, as long as their healthy.

I had an inckling I was having a girl you may be right and have a boy in there ;)
I alway wanted a little girl but when we got to the scan and we were told it was a little boy, I was still happy because he was healthy and at the end of the day they will be your little one who you will love no matter what. I couldn't see that it was a boy, and we went for another scan yesterday a 4d one and the lady showed us again in 2d but I still couldn't tell. Maybe its just me lol. :)
Sorry you couldn't stay a strong yellow =D x

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