So was it?? TMI alert!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2011
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Here's the tmi bit:
I spent most of yesterday late afternoon/early evening 'passing' quite sizeable blood clots. Well, one particularly large that I could feel passing when I went to the toilet, other smaller ones that were just there when I wiped.

I told DH last night and him knowing the symptoms I've been having obviously, without me explicitly telling him all of them) suggested I might in fact have been pregnant, although obviously not anymore. This happened to me last year when I had a chemical pregnancy, had a weird period type blood appearance but with clots.

People may be aware that I had really positive symptims from about 6DPO and a late AF.

1. Very very gassy (tmi!!) 6/7 DPO
2. Constipation and diarrhoea in the same day - tmi but very bizarre! 8DPO
3. CM and being repulsed by the smell of crisps that I normally love 8DPO
4. Very spotty face, total breakout, crying uncontrollably over something silly 9DPO
5. Sore heavy bbs, cramps 10DPO-13DPO
6. Slight nausea, thought I was going to be sick eating a burger, couldn't even finish it 11DPO-13DPO
7. Sensitive tummy, tingly under skin (if that makes any sense?) 11DPO-13DPO

All symptoms stopped at 13DPO, and AF came at (I think) 16DPO but my cycle confused me so much I then didn't know when I ovulated. I changed my ticker a million times and can't remember what my original calculations were.

My last AF started on 21st July and I have roughly 30-32 day cycle every month apart from this one.

I got 3 bfns this week before AF started (I think at 14DPO 15DPO and 16DPO), although now I'm thinking I took them too late and it was already gone. I'm now kicking myself I didn't ask the phlebotomist (sp?) to check my blood for hcg as well when I was there getting my bloods done on Monday. That would have been the only way to know if I'd had another cp.

Not that knowing would change much, I'd already accepted by Thursday that I wasn't pg cos af came, but I just wanted to see what other people thought?
Oh, btw, AF is almost gone today, after only 2 days.
It may be possible that you were pregnant and had a chemical hun, I take it clotting isn't a normal thing for you. Sorry if that is the case :( :hug: hope you are ok x
No, not normal for me. I don't tend to get heavy periods anymore since coming off the pill 2 years ago. Before that my (natural) periods were hellishly heavy and painful, but I think so long on the pill must have changed that. Two day long periods are still pretty strange for me, usually it's minimum 4, albeit light.

I'm not as upset as I would have been had I gotten a bfp obviously, so I'm thankful for that.

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