So vain, but......


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2010
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How on earth are you all controlling your weight during pregnancy?
I know that sounds a bit vain, and it isn't meant to be, but I was quite slim beforehand, and was addicted to the gym, went 5+ days a week, since finding out I'm pregnant, I haven't been to the gym, so a good few months, and I'm craving carbs like nobody's business!! So I've put on a load of weight, my bump I love, but my bum and legs have got huge :(

Just wondered if there was anything you was all doing to help, or any exercises you do that's all!! I'd love to go back to the gym, but my friend (she's my trainer) won't let me go back until I've had bubs. Just spend all day on my bum (desk job) and that combined with eating carbs (toast, jacket potatoes, crisps) isn't helping!

Thanks guys,
Why won't your friend let you go to the gym, are you high risk? I've still been going (when I don't feel too sick) as I really don't want to pile on too much weight plus the fitter you are the easier pregnancy and birth. Main thing is to not over heat so you just reduce what you normally would do and drink more. I'm seeing my personal trainer next week for a revised fitness plan, he said once I'm in tri 2 not to do exercises on your back. You can swim lots as well and do yoga or pilates, it's only high impact stuff you need to avoid. I think your friend is totally wrong and fitness has so many benefits you should def go back but not to try and lose weight or anything, more for fitness and relaxation the bonus is you won't put on anymore weight you don't need. Just listen to your body if your tired or feel dizzy stop and rest, and don't try to do the same as you did before pregnancy, this is hard to get your head round though, I feel so slow like I'm not doing much! I read up a lot on fitness in pregnancy too which helped to adjust my thinking and my routine. Go enjoy the gym again!
Thanks hun, I know your totally right, and I know I'd have to adjust my routine, although having not been for a few months, that probably won't be hard, as my body isn't going to be used to doing what I did before I shouldn't imagine.
My friend is a qualified instructor, so not sure why she's saying I can't go :(
I'd love to, it's obviously finding time, but I get exhausted in the afternoons at the moment, and I think it's because I've stopped doing all forms of exercise :(
I used to do Spinning classes once a week, I'm sure I could do that still (not high impact), although I'd have to ease up on my weights, rower might be out of the question too, with the bump!!
I'll have a look on the net for any recommended exercises during pregnancy, I know we shouldn't exercise to lose weight atm, but I'd like to shift some off my bum and legs before little one arrives.
I read spinning was good but tell the instructor first, you just work at a much lower intensity. You might find you get some energy back by going, you do get sluggish missing the gym for a while. Im sure your legs and bum would tone up quickly since you were so fit before your body will remember that. I know from my last pregnancy that your body does like to keep hold of it's fat stores though but mine soon went breastfeeding and I really piled it on! Your friend is probably scared she might tell you the wrong things esp when you were in tri 1 and mc chance is higher she wouldn't want to be held responsible, least if you make you own decisions and speak to a different trainer it puts her out of a difficult position, she can always help out with your post pregnancy fitness instead. I'm still doing very light weights with high reps but have cut right back on this and tend to plod along on various machines, Ive avoided the rower though because of all the stretching. I read your heart rate should be below 140 but this isn't working for me as I have a naturally higher rate so mines been at 160 instead of the usual 180, something to bear in mind if you normally monitor it.

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