So Unfair..Warning RANT


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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hey everyone, sorry have to have a rant on here and also ask anyones advice???
my OH is self employed and works in the construction industry. since the 26th of september he has not had anywork. he is employed by a company but is self employed so no work = no money
it wasnt a good time foe his boss to not have anywork anyway as the construction industry shuts down for 2weeks over xmas anyway.
OH went to the job centre after 3weeks of being off work and they told him that he couldnt go on the doll becuase i work more then 24 hrs a week. (well at the moment i dont becuase obviously im oin maternity leave). he told them this and they said they couldnt help him,
since the 26th september he has been searching the job centre and the friday ad sending off his cv to all the companys that he has been cross hired to and still no luck. its not been 9weeks and no work, i am also now getting just Statory Maternity pay (so just over £500 a month) and the job centre think this is enough to pay rent, council tax, food for the 3 of us, nappies etc etc for theo, and all the other bills! well it just isnt!
it really pissed me off when i see spreaded across the news about the illergal imegrants getting trousands of jobs going in this country and my OH has applied to jobs that are not even in his trade (and much less pay then he usually gets) and dosent get them!
i phoned the child tax people, as OH is not bringing in any money then i though we might get more child tax credit... and .... THEY HAVE LOWERED IT! i cant belive it!
i dont know what we are going to do. im so annoyed as we are due to move to a bigger place soon and we have been putting money away to pay for carpets ect ect... and we are having to use the money now. we are trying to sell things on ebay just to make a little money.

i know it sounds so moany and i know there are people worse off. but £500 a month is no where near enough for us to pay the bills!
and i read that if illegal imergrants are in our country but have children who are in their home country then our bloody government gives them money to send to their kids!!!! yet i pay my F**king taxes and whatever else and they wont give us anything to help!!! ITS NOT FAIR...

i have my fingers crossed that OH will start getting some work soon(he is VERY pissed off about it.. although has become very demesticated since hes been home, lol). but at the moment in out area the construction indistry seems tobe d.e.a.d. (has applyed for a job in central of london 1hr 45mins drive from us,.. soo we'll wait and hold out breath).

anyway well done if your still reading . haha after that rant... does anyone know if there us any where else we can look for help?
Do you not get working tax? If you are getting SMP and no other income you are still classed as working so you should get working tax. My OH has been made redundant 3 times in the last 12 months, so we have been relying on my SMP, but they just increased my working tax til OH got another job.
They do stop it when you have NO income which at current we don't.
Technically illegal immigrants can't get jobs or work until they have a visa - if you are on about those that are employed illegally by companies, it is because their employers are twats and they are to blame not the immigrants.

Weare in the same position, today is the last day my OH has any work and that's it. No idea what's happening next week - its been like this for the past year and its a horrible situation not knowing what his work situation is going to be fromone week to the next.

Have you tried phonong your energy providers etc to see what they say?? Might helpwith the bills. Is there anything you can cut back on, I've got pretty good at making meals on a budget, only driving to places I need to get to, selling clothes on ebay to buy new clothes for Seren - just little things like that can make a difference.
yeah i literally haven't been out anywhere since before xmas (with the exception of xmas day).tried selling clothes and only little bit of luck (from 2 ladies on here.. thank you).
sorry to have a moan, i know there are so many people loosing their jobs at the moment. its so frustrating just not knowing whats going to happen and im scared we wont be able to pay our rent!.. then i dont know what we will do.
my heart goes out to you as you are obviously in an awful situation. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Please don't blame immigrants though. Illegal immigrants don't get child benefits. They are illegal, they get nothing from the Government.

Legitimate immigrants get entitlements, because they too pay their taxes/insurances etc. It's not that they're getting a better deal, they are getting the same deal, and they are facing the same problems.

It's a tough time for everybody right now. I really hope you're situation improves soon.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
my OH is in construction too but hes in civils so cinemas,factories etc etc.thankfully hes employed not self employed.he got told last may he was being made redundant as theres no work in that industry at the minute,they did lay quite a few off (his company is a big one based up north) but because my OH is willing to travel anywhere in the uk they kept him on and hes just been given another 6-9month work.I know how hard things are in construction at the minute and its the lack of knowing whether there will be work next week thats so stressful.has your OH tried subbing out to agency?

i hope your OH finds work soon hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Would he do any other jobs? My DH was a paint sprayer of trains and got made redundant in feb last year. He's now working on a factory line packing noodles which he hates but at least it pays the bills (Just :( ). When he got made redundant the job centre people were so rude and wouldn't give him any jsa. I remember shouting at them (pregnancy hormones) and saying he's worked the 10 years since leaving school and don't speak to me like some slacker from the Jeremy Kyle show :lol: .

Good luck :hug:

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