So uncomfortable


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I've got my antenatal class tomorrow but just can't face sitting on an uncomfortable chair for 6 hours :( .

My back is killing me and I find sitting on hard chairs soooo painful as I get really stiff and have to keep getting up. I want to go becasue DH and I have questions but the thought of sitting on a plastic chair for that long is filling me with dread.

I said to DH about it and said we will go but only for as long as I can cope with.

We went ot a restaurant on Wednesday and I ended up playing musical chairs until I found a comfy one, the waitress was getting annoyed by me rearranging the furniture :lol: .
Is this your first or a subsequent class? With mine th teacher lady was very understanding that we were a room full of pregnant ladies and allowed us to wriggle and stand up and walk around as much as we liked- hopefully yours will be like this too. We also had wo breaks on a 3 hour class.

I know what you mean about the uncomfort, I'm like that at home now too, I pace the hosue in the evning because I just can't get comfy my ball is good but only for an hour or so.

I hope if you do decide to go tomorrow that you don't suffer too much.

Alex xxx
I'm definitely going, it's the only class we are going to get. I hope they have comfy chairs :pray: . And this baby is still sitting on my bowel making me need a poo!!!
:hug: I had my first antenatal appointment last monday. The room was sooo hot and I was nearly in tears by the end. Strangely, no one else seemed to be suffering as much as me so perhaps I'm just a wimp. The class itself was good so I want to go to the next one. I think I'll take a bottle of water and a cushion this time. Is there anything that you could take with you to improve your comfort?
Bubalu said:
: Is there anything that you could take with you to improve your comfort?

My sofa :lol: .

I'm sure I'll cope. I've had a bad back all my life (years of falling off horses :roll: ) so get stiff sitting for long periods even before being pregnant. Hopefully they will do lots of breaks.

Will definitely take a bottle of water and some biscuits in my handbag just in case.
hi hazel i know exactly how u feel!!!!!!! me and dh have our class tomorrow as well 9 till 4.... apart from having to sit for 7 hours im worried bout the amount ill need to pee!
im sure they are used to people wriggling and squirming and goin out to pee! :rotfl:

we will have to compare notes on how the class went!
Aww Hazel, hopefully they'll be understanding.

They were very good at our class, had the doors open for air and said at the start if anyone needs to move or anything or needs to refresh just say (on woman got too hot and needed some water and fresh air)

The class we had was 3 hours and we had a break around every hour :) x
I left mine early so I can't complain lol but they did have plastic horrible chairs and a pillow would definately of helped! It was really stuffy in there but I was the most behind woman there, everyone else was about 36 weeks and I was only 29 :( I didn't want to sound like the moany one!!

Good luck anyway and I hope you get all the answers to your questions!

Haha at the sofa comment! xx

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