So stupid!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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I can't believe how stupid I was yesterday. We went shopping for a new sofa, and parked in a pay and display car park. I bought a ticket... and PUT IT IN MY POCKET!!!!! We came back a couple of hours later and there was a ticket on the car, we now have to pay a £60 parking fine for not displaying a valid ticket!!! :shock:

God I'm an idiot :roll:
That's the sort of thing I'd do!!!

You don't have to pay the fine if you can prove you bought a ticket!!! This happened to my friend, she didn't have to pay. So I'd look into it if I was you

Defo appeal, if you have the ticket still you can prove you had one, explain you have a new baby and you were so busy getting the baby into pram etc that you forgot to put it into car..I am sure they wont make you pay it :hug:
Thanks, I still have the ticket so I'll give them a call
Worth a shot, good luck, let us know how you get on, I reckon you wont have to pay!

If they say you do, then start blubbering down the phone, they wont be able to handle a hormonal new mummy :rotfl:
This happened to me a couple of years ago I actuallly put the ticket on the dash but upside down. When I rang they suggested I put my appeal in writing - I didn't have to pay the fine.

Best of luck its certainly worth a try and definitely mention the fact that you have a new baby and maybe say he was screaming to be fed or something :wink:
my dad did the same, but said it had fallen off the dashboard. he didn't have to pay in the end
yeah its very hot, the glue must have melted and it fell on the floor in the car ;)
My OH was parked longer than he anticipated so he nipped back to the car to get a new ticket to avoid getting a fine. he got the new one and got it mixed up with the old one and accidentally dispayed that. he got talking to someone about 20 yards away when he noticed a warden writing out a ticket. he realised what he had done and ran up to the warden to explain. they said it could be appealed against because he still had the proper ticket. OH did appeal but he lost, their reason? its called pay and DISPLAY. buearctaric w*****rs :evil: :evil:

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