Never EVER get an au pair!!!!

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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As some of you may know, we had an au pair last year for 4 months to help me out during my pregnancy. We let her go at chrimbo due to financial constraints but we also had some issues with her - namely laziness and also how much food she got through! When she left we discovered that she had banged the car and not told us, and she also got a parking ticket that she didnt tell us about. She did the leave the money for it which was the right thing to do but she only left us with a day or so to pay it before the fine would have increased because she didnt tell us.

Well today Alan gets another ticket through the post - another parking ticket she incurred the day before she left to go back to Paris. She must have ripped it up and just not told us about it!! :x :x :x :x

So because she didnt tell us its gonna cost us £50 rather than the £25 if we had been able to pay it within the time limits.

Im soooo mad I cant tell you! £50 is a lot of money at the best of times, never mind with our cash flow problems AND the fact we have another baby on the way in 4 weeks!!

I have sent her an email telling her she needs to give us the money or else im going to contact her current employer (she is an au pair for another family in Liverpool) to tell them about her deceit because I cant be responsible for her doing similar to another family.

omg thats really bad - good thing she did go!

I agree with saying something to her employers about it if she dont give you the money.
Crafty bitch! Shop her!

Hope you get the money back :x
The cheeky mare!!! I would defo warn the new family she is with! In all honesty, what is £50 to her compared to what you spent on food and car repairs that she used!!!
blooy hell sounds like she done it on purpose!
defo tell the other family

is there no way you can contest the extra charges as it was your au pair who incurred them then 'forgot' to let you both know?
omg! she seemed so, erm, nice at preston :lol: :lol:
What a twat!

Good on you for threatening to tell her current employers...i am pretty sure that will scare her into paying it! :lol:
I've known people have problems with Au Pairs too.
I'd rather spend out on a cleaner or something weekly than an Au Pair from what I've heard.
I'd definitely tell on her. You're doing any other potential employers a big favour by doing so!
Kimbo said:
omg! she seemed so, erm, nice at preston :lol: :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Can't believe this though, seriously. How can her conscience let her do that?
That's terrible, what a mean thing to do! :shock: Hopefully she will pay up when she realises you will tell her current employers what she's done!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Did she get back to you Jen?

Apparently she called today but I was at the midwifes. She hasnt called back this space!!

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