So sad for Hubby


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
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Hubby finally sent in sperm sample last week.

All along we have had discussions about what we think may be the problem with our trouble in conceiving. Hubby has always believed that the issue may be me as he has 3 children from a previous marriage.

He finally opened up yesterday and admitted that his biggest fear was that his sperm count may decreased with age. (his children are now grown up).

Ive never seen him like that before and he seemed so vulnerable. Obviously I did my best to reassure him that we are in this together as husband and wife whatever the results..........deep down im worried too as ive recently found out that we wouldnt be offered IVF on the NHS, due to hubby already having children.

Trying my very very best to stay positive xx
oh hun sorry to hear this. the only advice i can give you is just be there for each other. im sure you will get through whatever is thrown at you. big hug to both of you xxxxx
It is hard but your right. Trying to stay positive is the best idea. Good Luck and if you both just take each step as it comes and deal with it!
Oh hun it's very hard for men to open up. On the flip side if his count is low there might be a very simple explanation that can be easily sorted without ivf. You never know until the results are in and you can discuss them with your gp.
Good luck to you both xxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm sorry Mushy :hug:

The decrease in sperm count and quality with age would be minimal.

It would only push him withint the sub-fertile region if it was already poor to start off with but three kids doesn't make that seem very likely.

It's good that he is opening up :)

My husband is 16 years older than me and worries about the same thing. I think our problem is more about sperm morphology though due to repeated m/c's. We haven't gone for testing yet, but I just ordered some fertility aid herbs for men that have pretty good reviews. He felt much better when I told that we could try the pills and see what happens. It's always good to know that there are options :)
Hey try and be really positive!!!! Although it may have been deteriorated slightly with age - its usually reversable for a male to an extent! - Taking the right vitamins and supplements and Sperm Loving Foods can all help increase Sperm count.

At the clinic I go to they said the chances of it being a male issue is always really lower than it is a female - plus look at all these males well into their 60s conceiving!!!!!! I dont think age really plays much of a roll in the male factor providing they are healthy etc.

Best of luck - and make sure he stays positive and gets on the Zinc, Q10 and Bananas!!!!!

Wow......... how great are you ladies. Just reading your comments has really cheered me up. Def staying positive . Appointment for results on wednesday. Keep you posted xx
Thanks sooooooooooooooooooo much xxx
Hiya, its so hard for a man to come to terms with infertility if they have this, where as us woman take it on the chin & fight all the way till we get what we want. Its a pride thing with men, but the fact he has opened up to you is a good start! cause the main thing while going through lttc is being there for each other & being able to talk to each other.

Mens sperm can change like the weather, having a cold can effect mens sperm count as well as smoking & hot baths & of course high amounts of alcohol. There is medication that can be given to men if they are suffering with a low count or motility sperm problem, such as tamoxfen, i am actually on these now they help men & womans fertility. Vitamin C & Zinc are great for mens sperm count, i have my hubby on them now just to increase our chances more.

It's so unfair that the nhs dont offer ladies ivf if there partners have children in a previous relationship, :shakehead: just not on. However dont give up hope cause you can get the help you need & there is all kinds that can be given on nhs to help either of you, before you even have to think about ivf.

Chin up hun, Goodluck!! ;)
Hi everyone !

Went to docs this morning......Hubbys results NORMAL !!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so made up, really really pleased.

I asked her for some facts and figures from the results just for our information and she said she doesnt receive detailed info from hospital, just normal or abnormal analysis. She was very unhelpful actually. Wasnt my usual lovely doctor though,,,, shes off and I couldnt wait until she got back to wait for results.
The doctor today didnt even tell me what the next step is........... so have made another app with my lovely doctor next weds.............. another whole week.

But must stay positive as this is a really good result today xxxxxxxxxxx
Excellent :) fx things start rolling for you as soon as your gp comes back xxxxxxxxxxx
That must be a relief Mushy :)

I hope the nice doctor sorts you out with everything that you need to know xx
Ah thats great news. You can request a copy of his semen results from your doctor when you go see him if you would like to know more. I did the same when i had my husbands sperm tested, :) x
Thanks ladies it means alot to have good support on here.

Does anybody know what i might expect next ??

Ive had 21 day bloods and a pelvic scan both come back fine ............. Whats next ?? xxx

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