So proud of everyone!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Ok so I know I had a bit of a moody weekend!

But I just wanted to say how proud I am of everyone in here, we have really come together and although miscarriage is hard and pretty sucky everyone is being so positive...

I think with everyones positivity its kind of helping each other through if you know what I mean??

Anyway just wanted to say that and a big thanks to everyone that has been so supportive towards me!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi steelgoddess, I have to say this but you are one strong girl. I think that you have uplifted alot of people.

I don't want to go into details just yet but I lost a baby 11 years ago and I only wish that I had had the strength then to be a positive as you are now.

It will happen for you hun xxxxx :)
I felt the same as you do now following my m/c, the ladies here really helped me through and we supported each other thyrough hard times. I am still very good friends and close to some of those ladies now, thank you guys you know who you are!

This forum helped me with my healing after miscarriage, its an amazing place with some fab people & we're all lucky to be part of it.

Thinking of u sharne, if u ever wanna chat u know where i am :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Everyone on here is such a great support and Sharne - you are a diamond and precious make sure you are taking care of yourself as well as looking after all of us :hug: :hug:
Goodness knows what kind of a state I'd be in right now if it wasn't for you fabulous ladies being there when I needed you most :hug: :hug:

kazlin said:
Hi steelgoddess, I have to say this but you are one strong girl. I think that you have uplifted alot of people.

I don't want to go into details just yet but I lost a baby 11 years ago and I only wish that I had had the strength then to be a positive as you are now.

It will happen for you hun xxxxx :)

Thanks :) i try to be strong because if im not I would literally fall to pieces so I have to stay away from that dark side because once it get there its hard and nasty coming out!

It really helps knowing you have others to discuss it with tbh...


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