So my t.w.w begins!

mrs nel

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
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Cycle 15 and I used CB digital advanced dual hormone ovulation tests this time around. I started testing on cd 10 and I caught my high fertility of flashing faces days 12, 13 and 14 with my solid face being today, day 15. We BD every one of these days! Now if I can't fall pregnant this month with that plan then god knows what's going on with my body!:eh:

Lynne, xxx
Good luck!!! Sounds like you should have things covered!! Xx
I'm just about to start mine too! I think I should be 1dpo tomorrow. I got a flashing smiley cd12 and a solid cd13, went to test again this morning cd14 and the smiley face is still on from yesterday and the holder won't clear it and test anymore :-(, I thought you tested until you got 2 solid smileys then stopped? Looks like the holder is now useless for the rest of the sticks, I've emailed clearblue about it.
We bd'd cd9, 11 and 13 and I won't see DH now until Sunday so we've done all we can this month.
I read the instructions wrong :doh: the peak result stays on the reader for 48 hours!!!!
Good luck mrs nel - will you be dtd today too just in case you ov 48 hours after your solid smiley?

Scn once your solid smiley is there, it's there for 48 hours. Don't continue to test after it disappears because in my experience you end up with day upon day of flashing smileys!
Hey ladies
Yeah we dtd cd 12, ,13, 14 and 15 so il wait and see tonight how hubby is feeling as he is out later. Although I think we will be ok this cycle given the amount of bd'ing. I tend to ovulate 12hours within getting my positive opk resul so that would've been by last nite. God its all so confusing! :-( Think il say im 1dpo today.

Good luck hun! I hope to be joining you very soon! Xx
Good luck mrsnel xxxx fingers crossed for a bfp for you xxxx I'm in my 2ww now as well :) just hope we dtd in time :) damn living 6 hours apart! Wish my house would sell soon as its interfering with baby dancing lol xxx
Fingers crossed Miss that you get your house sold - ttc is hard enough without having estate agents involved!!!
Good luck! I'm about the same second flashing smiley, just without the bd'ing! why is it the second you start to think about when you DTD all of sudden you stop?
Hi Lynne it's a nightmare he's older than me so we decided to get on with the baby making after 18 months of knowing each other. He has a fantastic job so I'm relocating to his just trying to sell mine it's a pain :( only get to see each other at weekends but we try to time it right xxx this month using the clear blue ovulation we got the smiley Friday am dtd all weekend lol hate this 2ww patience is not my thing lol
Good luck Miss, I hope you guys get lucky!

So im on 7dpo and im itching to pee on that little magically stick! I was in boots today and I picked up a First response preg test that im going to try and keep until I really feel I need it and not just to use it cause its there! :nopoas:

I've resisted the urge to buy any so far this month told myself I'm only buying one as af is due lol if its in the house ill be wanting to use it even though I know it's too early lol xxx
Hello! How are us tww ladies getting on? I'm 6dpo (i think) and you'd think my mind would've been taken off it a bit with my cousin's wedding yesterday, but no! Had a fab time though. Went on Thursday (to Stilton) and had three days of trying not to drink...I did very well!! "it's too hot, I'm pacing myself, "don't want to have much due to my dizziness" all worked well haha!! Enjoyed the toast drink :)

Hope you're all ok ladies xxx

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