So Much for that!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Well thought my AF started at about 6am yesterday. However it's kinda totally disappeared :eh:
Didn't even last 24 hours and was so, so light and not bright red, just light pinky/brown (sorry tmi). Still have a few cramps, nothing bad but just the sort of thing I'd normally associate with AF. :roll: I have bloating too, like I'd normally get with AF and a big appetite.
I suppose at least the bod is making some sort of effort to do something. :shock: Not even a trace of CM today, talk about confusing :oooo:
Don't want to get your hopes up but it could be spotting? That's usually brownish? Hope so :D
Maybe its just getting started you know :) Body getting used to doing it again, hopefully it will come back with a vengeance soon! (In a good way) xx
^^^^^ I'd accept a tidal wave AF if it meant actually getting one :rofl:
I'm just annoyed cos it's like my body sensed my relief at something finally happening, and then immediately decided to make a liar out of me. Balls to it!!!!!
When you think about it, it does make sense, something the body is meant to do naturally, hasn't been doing it for the last 9 months.. It's a bit confused.. That one day was a milestone.. Its a start :) Things can only go up from here.. Keep taking the remedies and see what happens hun xx
this happened to me when i came off the pill had no af for 3 months then had one day of very light spottting then 30 days later finally had a proper af! then i fell preg. good luck hun xx
that's good to know, at least there is hope for me lol xx
:hug: it will happen soon enough hun. you've got another appointment about it soon havnt you? xx
I phoned the hospital and they said I shouldn't expect anything until at least Mid November. Guess that's not that far away.
Stay positive - I think it sounds like your body is trying, fingers crossed this was it's first go for a while and it'll have worked it out next month :)
Yeah sounds to me like your body is unsure what to do!!

Fingers crossed for you!


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