So Much for that!

I'm currently trying to warm my cold uterus!!! I've had a hot water bottle on my belly all afternoon/evening and just drank a bucket of hot choc!!! Also had my daily allowance of uterus warming pills!! :lol:
How much did you have to pay for the ones from the herbalist?
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£20 for a month's supply which was fine with me. Was expecting them to be expensive.
:shock: gawd, maybe yours were a more concentrated form?? I swear if this doesn't work I'm gonna convince o/h to bring a hand-grenade back from afghanistan, pull the pin and shove it up there :lol:
Well....... body has been feebly attempting to do something today, quite a lot of browny/pink CM (gross, sorry tmi) At least it's progress, of sorts :rolleyes:
Maybe it was the threat of the hand grenede? What do ya reckon :lol:
maybe the hot water bottle and endless buckets off piping hot coffee are doing wonders for me "cold uterus" :rofl:! Fancy it being cold lmao! tablets all taken for today too. I'd forgotten what a bind it was to take pills :rolleyes:

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