So knackered *yawn*


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Since yesterday I have been so tired. After the scan we popped into town and food shopping, I had to give up half way round Iceland (didn't even get to the gateaux :shock:) and sat down waiting for OH to finish the shopping. I just couldn't stop yawning, got home and just couldn't move. Even going for a wee was a mission.
I put this down to the excitement of the scan but today I am just the same. I've got so much to do but my energy levels have gone through the floor :(. Tiredness has been a problem for me but even after a nap I still feel drained. Iron level is fine so I just don't get it really.
Anyone else feeling like this or any ideas? xxxxxxxxxxxx
im tired all the time, gettting up off the sofa is a mission let alone going to work or college, i think its cos i sleep so badly im not getting proper rest
I'm getting about 8 hours at night still but it is broken with wee breaks :roll:. Normally a nap sorts me out but not the last few days :(
i slept for like 10 hours last night (best night sleep in a while) feel shattered today though! lol
I have been like this for a couple of weeks. I put it down to my arthritis and being in pain alot but I am like it all the time. been shopping this morning and I am totally knackered and ready for a sleep. xxxxx
I have been tired today.

Didn't sleep well at all last night. Every which way I laid the baby booted me plus toilet breaks. I struggled to get through the working day.

I need to to go to bed

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