So crabbit!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Well, I went down to mothercare with my mum and sis to get LO's coming home outfit from the hospital - its a big retail park about half an hour away from my house. So whilst I was there I thought kill two birds with one stone and get other things from B&Q, Pets at Home etc. But my darling mother is so impatient, kept saying 'Oh c'mon' and in general pissed me off - partly because she had got the things she needed. So I raged, told her quite loudly that she was pissing me off and I cant be arsed with this and stormed out the shop, jumped in the car and went home.... Looking back I looked like a right moody teen... all my mum could do was laugh! Lol.

Then, with Greg being in Norway I'm lucky to get a phonecall once a day really, and he phoned the other day - about lunchtime but I was sleeping. So he called a few times and by the time I answered he got "Someone better be dead that your phoning me" :shock: Lol poor chap!! Haha!!

So anyone else acting like a stroppy teen? I'm actually mortified when I look back, however my fuse has shortened so so much! Lol! :witch::blush::gun: xxx
yeah I feel the exact same right now hunni :-/ having a go at everyone and really cannot be arsed with some people, but I'm blaming the hormones and the fact I'm fed up now lol.....!!! xxx
Gotta love hormones. At least we got a great excuse atm, I use it to my full advantage when I'm being stroppy! Xx
They really are like little gremlins just waiting to pop out and eat anyone around me! God I love it... HURRY UP BABIES!

Oh Dear, I am already grumpy and I am nowhere near done yet!!!

My mother does get the worst of it though cos she comes out with some rubbish sometimes... she hates baby shopping so has refused to go with me which is fine because her taste is so different to mine anyway..

and OH well he always gets it in the neck he just nods his head and carries on lol bless him, he knows..:)

Lol, I love the word crabbit! I miss Scotland! Yep, I have quite a short fuse at the moment... Hormones are a great excuse!
OMG hormones are a nightmare. I get pregnancy rage lol

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