So confussed...


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2010
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There isn't really much point in this thread, I just needed to let my rant and fustration out and heres the best place for it :lol:

After my 2 cycle following the pill being 26 days I felt extremely lucky & happy that they seemed to return and regular so quickly but then cycle 3 and started and it all seems to have gone wrong :roll: I have no idea if or when I ovulated this cycle, my temps are all over the place in comparison to last cycle when they showed very clearly when I ovulated and weren't up & down after ovulation.

It could just be a coincidence but a warning to all DO NOT travel around the time you are due to ovulate, I blame it for my messed up temps and what seems like a messed up cycle.

The most annoying bit is the not knowing, not knowing if i've ovulated and not having a clue when to expect :witch:

At least i'm not stressing out looking for symptoms though I guess :whistle:

Sorry rant over and apologies for a pointless thread but had to 'let it out'
you rant away huny its hard not knowing when to expect af and it drove me crazy when i didnt know bout ovulation last month but keep your chin up and dont let it stress you out.... haha easier said than done eh
i dont blame you!! id be annoyed too!! hope u get some answers soon!!xx
:hug: hub this is the place for venting!! It's so frustrating when u feel you can't keep track :-( I hope it's obvious in the next cycle - if u don't get bfp before that ;-) xx
I know exactly where ur coming from... came off pill last May. First month my cycle wa 36 days, next month it increased again and so on. Its now been 90 days since AF. OPK said i ovulated last sunday but dont know whether to trust it and my GP said they arent the most reliable thing. So Im playing a waiting game at the mo!
Thanks ladies it's nice to just have a moan sometimes haha.

Jomc- you must be going insane, i feel bad moaning now I at least had two 26 day cycle after stopping the pill and due to some risen temps think I have ovulated at some point this cycle. Do you temp? apart from this time I find it really useful and obvious to see if ovulation occured so it's a good way of keeping track with the OPK's you can get the surge then not actually ovulate so it's not a good way of knowing
I tried the temps when I first came off but to be honest just didnt suit me. I went for 45 days without any significant change. I went for bloodtests on Friday so Im just waiting for the result of those. Ur right, it is frustrating and it does get me down alot of the time but Im just taking each day as it comes and keeping fingers crossed for my test results!

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