SO confused!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Right so I've been feeling a bit funny these last few days, so whilst in town i picked up a pg test, i got it from bodycare, Predictor i think it was called...

SO because i'm so impatient i nipped in the toilets in the shopping centre and did it there...

Line started appearing in the test window beforee the control, so i thought, oh its an evaporation line, BUT then it started getting darker...and darker...and pinker and pinker, so by about 3 mins it was REALLY dark, this was about 2 hours ago and the line is still there now, albeit fainter but definatly pink, so i panicked and ran out and got a Digi, and it was NOT pregnant!

What the hell??
Photo of the test that you did? Could it be that the digi isnt as sensitive as the other one? If you still have the boxes, look at them and check.

Good luck!
aarghh i tried to get some but my camera is sooo rubbish, its not reeally picking it up as i only took the pic about 30 seconds after i did the test...

I know everyone says a line is a line but...when you see not preg it just knocks your confidence doesnt it :(

Gonna try again with digi tomoro morn :)
I would try a different test to both of those hun, as some test dont always show up for some women, maybe try a First Response as I have heard they are quite sensative, and they are a bit cheaper then the digi ones..... good luck and let us know what the outcome is x

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