so confused


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
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hey all im a bit confused, joined up here today to see if u can help, been ttc for a while and last month i got af a week early it wasnt as heavy as it always is in fact for the first 2 days i didnt haave to wear anything then it got heavier was heavier than what i imagine spotting would be, and i usually have sore boobs a week before had nothing this time, anyway i have been babydancing every 2 days since im due af 12th dec again but my stomachs looking bloated and my head is pounding even painkillers wont shift it, and i feel kinda sick today but have no sore boobs etc i have been eatin loads lately dunno if thats due to me being fat tho lol i weigh usually just under 10 and a half stone but weighing today im 11 stone, also my face seems to be breaking out and i NEVER get that not even when i was a teen, so just seeing what all u ladies think thanks
only way to know for sure is to test hun! early pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms can be so so similar!! good luck xx
Its really hard to tell hun, cos we all symptom spot when we're trying so even the smallest thing you jump on. It sounds positive so i really hope it is for you, but all you can really do is test and if its :bfn: and she still hasnt arrived then test again.

:dust: Good Luck :dust:
Welcome to PF !! Now.........TEST!!! Good luck xx

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