so confused please help


New Member
Jan 22, 2009
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Hi everyone

PLEASE can some of you give me an opinion on whether I could be pregnant...

This is my second month off the pill but have still been using condoms as wanted to get all the hormones out of my cycle and let my body settle down first.

Had a normal period last month, about day 29/30 of cycle.

This month had sex on day 18 of cycle WITH condom, assumed had ovulated a couple of days before as had some clear mucus discharge when going to the loo.

Couple of days later (day 20), woke up with dried white mucus stains on my pyjamas - quite a lot, and also a great big wet patch sorry tmi!!!!

Got some bleeding and brownish discharge on toilet tissue day 21, 22, then used a sanitary towel day 23, bright red blood, but nothing since.

nipples are very sore and have had pre-menstrual type cramping. but seeing as I've only had one natural period in the past 6 years I don't know what my usual period symptoms are!!!

Today is day 25, did a clear blue test v early this morning and not sure whether negative or "slightly" positive!!! There is a very clear horizontal line made up of four horizontal blue lines, then ever ever so faintly there is a trace of a vertical line, but only in one strand rather than four. And I mean that if I strain my eyes I can see it!

Please give me some opinions on this, am going crazy not knowing :?

thank you
Hi there
Like you, I came off the pill about a month ago after being on it for 16 years!!
In the next couple of weeks I had cramping, very sore nipples and other bizarre symptoms.
I, again, like you, did a preg test, as we were not using any protection, and it came back negative.
I think when you come off the pill your body goes through changes.
Thats the only assumption I can come to.
My symptoms did'nt last long and my 1st period came on time as it would had I still be on the pill, so that was good.
Anyway, just thought I should share my symptoms with you.
Good Luck x
digi, digi, digi!

iv only been off the pill 2 months too. i did a cheapo test and the line was sooooooo faint- but still there so took a digi to be sure, it came up pregnant. i'd say u are if there's a faint line. :hug:

just did a digi and "Not pregnant"...

but I'm not convinced, it is very early yet.

have lots of soreness and cramping but no sign at all of any blood!

congratulations trixi :cheer:

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