So called friends....


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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I had 2 bridesmaids and a maid of honour when this wedding started. I now have no bridesmaids or maid of honour because the bridesmaids screwed me over and my maid of honour got a fertility clinic appointment for a day or 2 before. My maid of honour I can forgive because she's been on that list for 3 years so fair play. My other friends ditched me because I had a different opinion to them on university [uni students so therefore no-one else is allowed an opinion that isn't the same as theirs] and 1 of said girls I'm assuming is pissed off that we're going through with the wedding cause she's openly admitted in the past she finds my fiance attractive. I've had one friend not associated directly with the wedding pretty much say the same thing in the most hurtful way known to man [aka; she has no problem screwing me over if it means she gets to sleep with him. Unfortunately for her he laughs in her face and can't stand her, so fail there.] My family just outright wouldn't go from when we told them 5 months ago. My brother insisted he would but then I refused to pay for his travel and lodgings so now he's not going [not so much a bad thing being that he's a junkie and would show up high.]. My "mother" insisted she was going [again more an annoyance than a bad thing because I hate her guts] until discovering again I couldn't pay for everything for her because I have barely any money and I've paid for a wedding when she's loaded, was insistant she was going up until 2 weeks before she got her daughter to inform me she was gonna be ill on that day. Kudos for knowing about your mystery illness 2 weeks in advance, my so called mother is psychic! Pretty cool...:roll: And to top that all off no-one else even graced me with a response to their invites. So in total, 1 person I invited is showing up and I have to say she's the only person I consider 'friend' material. Not only is she showing up but she became so pissed off that I'd been ditched on she insisted on signing the register for me. Thank you.
But I'm pretty pissed off. I have no bridesmaids, it's my fiance's wedding as opposed to mine in the respect that 1 person I invited is going, everyone else is his side.
Pissed. Off. :wall2:
wow just dont know what to say to that...thats awful hey....I just didnt want to read and run xxx
I'm so so sorry they are being like this but same as Gemini really, not sure what to say but sending massive massive :hugs:

Thanks guys. Massive hugs is good :) It's irritating though, 10 days until the wedding and instead of being all 'eee I'm getting married', I'm more 'can we just get this over with so I can go home?'
Uh oh, just reat this as a nosy parker, wasn't expecting all that!.. Wow! The days for u and your fiance anyway, as long as u two are happy together, screw any other outsider. x
I agree, its your big day and to be honest when it comes to it you wont even notice who is there/not there as you will be far too busy. Just remember the important ones will all be there xx
Massive hugs x x at least you found out now that they're not friends before you wasted any more time on them x x your day will be magical and special for you and when I got married loads of people didn't RSVP but did turn up and I honestly couldn't tell you who did and didn't as I was on cloud 9 and the church could have been empty as long as my hubby was there :D it's about you and your fiancé and starting a new chapter together, nothing else x

Ignore any mistakes-my iPhone is addicted to autocorrect!
People that show up who didn't RSVP are getting thrown out. As harsh as that sounds, we told them we had limited spaces so if they couldn't be bothered to grace us with a simple reply then they aren't welcome. It's just irritating that people seem to think we have the time to be up and down and willing to cater to their needs. Half of these people have been married before so they should know all the stress that comes with a wedding. As for the ones that want to sleep with my fiance, what did they think letting me know or letting close friends that would blatantly tell us know would achieve? Did they suddenly think I'd throw my hands in the air and surrender so they could have him? Really? How dumb can someone be?
Haha, IPhone autocorrect is epic.
Tbh I think you're lucky u found out what those girls are like, some people are very deceitful and wouldn't think
Twice about screwing someone over. I've never understood why woman would go within 10 feet of trying to get with someone that is attached. People like that are bitches not friends. As for family friends not turning up then screw them (pardon my french, just annoyed me that people actually expect u to pay for them to attend your wedding) at the end of the day it's your and your OHs day and all that matters is that you and him are together :) I know it's disappointing chick but its their loss to be missing your big day. Get excited that u and your OH will become husband and wife :) good luck chick xxx
Yeah that's extremely true. Not the type of girls I want in my life, let alone at my wedding. My maid of honour is forgiven like I say, she's been waiting for this fertility appointment for 3 years, I can't expect her to drop it.
My family wanted me to cater to them again and have the wedding up north, despite me moving to London because they can't be arsed to make the effort. But I've found out a lot of stuff recently about the girl mentioned earlier that doesn't mind screwing me over that's just made me not want to face them anyway. My mother made hints to it I guess but I didn't click, but I'm really angry. I specifically didn't tell my family about the MC because it wasn't worth the hassle and I didn't want them knowing. Aformentioned bitch is my brothers bestest friend in the whoooole world... And because she knew, now my family all know. I'm NOT happy. Screwing me over by trying to sleep with my husband I can deal with, but being confided in in trust not to tell my family I lost a child, and then telling them is below the belt well and truly. NOT happy.
That is totally selfish of those bridesmaids and your family!! I'm with you on the friend and her fertility appointment.

I got married last month and there were 4 other people there besides me and my now hubby. 2 witnesses to sign register (my sis and her hubby) and my LO and my sis' little one cos she couldn't get her daughter minded which was cool as she's a lovely child.

I couldn't be assed tbh with the drama my family would've created with turning up or backing out at last minute. I knew it would happen cos they did it on my LOs christening day after I'd paid £350 to hire a room, DJ and food.

So my hubby and I went out with my witnesses and kiddies for a top slap up meal and drinks after my wedding and it was just perfect. No drama, no hassle, no stress. And we went to Paris with LO and had a blast.

I'm so sorry that they're being evil witches and that your mother and brother are being unreasonable, but just remember, its your and your hubby to be's day. Enjoy cos all the people that matter and care for you both will be there. Huge :hug: as I kinda know how let down you feel. x
*Hugs* Thanks.
It's getting annoying though, the closer we get to the wedding, the more assholes come out of the woodwork. I set up a private facebook account under an alias so that my family wouldn't find it because they were doing my head in. I didn't add the girl signing the register for me now's sister because she knows too many members of my family, and I'm hardly going to go tell her who she can and cannot be friends with. But when I did add people to the new account, I specifically told them why I was doing what I was doing and not to tag my new account with my fiances account because he has her sister added and also my brothers because it would cause more drama than it's worth deleting them from the account before the wedding. Despite knowing this my fiances old college friend who actually introduced us, tagged us both as getting married recently and can't figure out why I'm angry. She suddenly wanted to meet up a couple of weeks before the wedding when I'm rushing around like a headless chicken, despite having no interest in contacting me for the 2 years my fiance and I have been togther. She is also friends with the girl I didn't add, and has now decided to tell her that I didn't add because I hated her. I have never once implied that I hated this girl, but because of this vicious bullshit my newest maid of honour is being extremely edgy and barely talking with me. I haven't been able to get hold of her sister to explain what's going on and the girl that has caused all this shit has tried insisting it was an honest mistake. I would believe her be it not for one thing. It's not the first time she's done it. My fiance before dating me created a new account under an alias because his ex was stalking his profile because she hates me. He said the same thing I did, don't tell anyone or tag me it causes problems. So she did. That just makes me suspicious because it's not the first time she's done this and caused trouble, on top of the fact that she seemed to be doing fine with not tagging me for the months I've had this new profile and suddenly 1 week before the wedding she 'slips up.' Honest mistake? I don't think so. It seems to be a case of splitting them up hasn't worked, I'll make them argue and split up with each other. It didn't work so why she bothered is beyond me. But she then went and told my MOH's sister that I hated her when I don't and everything has been cold and hostile since. I'm not actually attending my own wedding reception because now there's too much hostility there and I've had enough of that already, I actually don't want to go. I'll obviously be attending the wedding, if she thinks that would work and stop me marrying him, she isn't too bright. But I'll be going home after that. I know people are gonna say just don't let them ruin your day, but I never wanted a reception in the first place, I just want to marry him and go home.
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Geez what a nightmare hun!!! Some people are just jealous vindictive A-holes and do anything to upset anyone else who is happy.

I am gona say don't let them ruin your day though! Get yourself to the reception that you both have organised and paid for. Let your hair down so to speak and show everyone that you couldn't give a toss about what they think or say about anything cos you're having fun with YOUR hubby! ;)

Don't let them win hun. Not when you've the reception all organised. Families and so called friends are a right pain in the arse at times hence why I did it the way I did, but I tell ya if I was in your shoes with the reception all organised, believe me I'd be eating the meal, drinking the drink and kicking my shoes off to dance :)

All that aside, I do feel for you hun. Its so hurtful, stressful and disheartening when people let you down (family) and are not who you think they are (two bridesmaid witches).

The whole FB thing just appears to me to either be serious stupidity or jealousy and out to cause shit. Real sorry to hear that you have to deal with this so close to your day...but the most important thing is that you'll be your hubby's Mrs ;) x
Eugh I know I should but it's seriously frustrating. I'm in 2 minds about whether she's so jealous she wants to break us up because she's been his friend for so long she can't stand being second now, or she likes him waaay more than she's letting on....
Maybe she's feeling insecure friendship wise cos you as his wife will come first in his life. A seriously tricky situation to be in hun. Hope everything goes smoothly for you on the day. x

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