So blooming grumpy!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
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Anyone else?
I know I'm being fowl but I really can't help it- I feel so irritated with everything and everyone! Hope this doesn't last long!!
I get waves of that... Unfortunately my OH gets the brunt of it. He keeps saying 'ok that's the hormones talking', but that irritates me even more!! Xx
I've noticed I am at an increased irritability level at the moment. I try and stop myself and can't seem to.

PP xXx
Yes I'm losing it easier, that was one of my first symptoms x
Yes very very grumpy here!! Approach with caution!!
Doesn't help I've given up my e cig aswell. Poor hubby yesterday had it full force yesterday!!!
Aww I get times of grumpiness too whether pregnant or not its normal, it's called being human. I find if you change your mindset when you feel your mood changing helps. Have some fruit, go for a bath or a walk, put on your favourite music or film or just cuddle your OH. This stage will pass xx
I turned into the hulk in tri 1
Id be laughing to crying to launching stuff across the room within the space of a few seconds each
Poor hubby didnt know what to do bless him lol
Dont they say you change when you get pregnant? Im really hoping so, Mrs H4L may go the opposite of her usual self.
I was horrible in Tri1.... so angry all the time, I took everything out on my partner! We argued a lot.
It totally passed by about week 13 (only 15 now) - I can't give much advice on how to make yourself less grumpy. I talked to my partner about it, and asked him kindly, to be patient with me. I explained I won't be like this forever, but for now to please, just excuse and forgive my behavior. It wasn't easy for him, but he did it.
I'm quite emotional,cried myself to sleep last night cuddling my OH,he's been brilliant though. And the slightest thing at work seems to be winding me up and stressing me out. :(
How is anyone dealing with their LO's? My 4yr old daughter seems to have been a nightmare for the last few weeks but I don't know if it's just me getting annoyed really quickly?
When I've had to tell her off for doing something, I immediately feel really bad because I know I've been quick tempered lately and think have I over reacted and she's just being her normal self?!

It's making me feel quite emotional writing this. I just want to get home and give her loads of attention and cuddles and tell her sorry for Mummy being grumpy :(

PP xXx
I'm trying to be patient with her but the terrible twos are taking over! Xx

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