So annoying!!


Feb 16, 2010
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Hey everyone, hope ur all keeping well.

Just a bit of a moan really. As I've mentioned before I am still in the 'am I really pregnant' stage. I've done 3 test which were all positive within like a minute or so and I have all the classic symptoms such as sore boods, sore back, strange abdominal goings on etc. Anyway, sent a urine sample at the beginning of the week and still havent had the results back!:wall2:...

I know I am pregnant (or at least the tests confirmed and my body feels different somehow) but my work are needing dr's confirmation before they can risk assess me. As i said on a previous post, I work in such a high risk environment that I am stressing out going to work every day which surely can't be good for me!?! Without this confirmation I am just having to do my normal job and 'fend' for myself as such. It's so frustrating I just feel like crying! I thought this was supposed to be a happy time??

How long does it take to test urine for goodness sake!!

Sorry rant over :roll: xx
ring dr's back calmly explain again the situtation get them to chase results and if you have any holiday left can u take it now its not worth putting yourself in harms way hun
Thanks for replying.

Just got the confirmation from the dr and I am definately pregnant!! Woo hoo. Can get the ball rolling now!!

:dance:Congratulations to you a :bfp::dust:

What happens at work now, will you move to another area/ admin rather than be at risk with the girls in the centre?
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:yay: Congratulations! Glad you can get work sorted out now x
Thanks everyone!

I work in a secure unit for teenagers keljordan. The jobs great but it can be really dangerous. I'm still unsure what is going to happen with work. My choices are to remain on my day shift should I sign a disclaimer which I'm not to keen on doing or move to nightshift which my oh isnt keen on me doing, Unfortunately no admin at my job!

What does your contract say? Does it state that you have to work night shifts because if if doesn't i'm not sure they can make you move onto nights. Definitely don't sign a disclaimer though. It's your employers responsibility to make you safe. Good luck :)

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