So annoyed an upset...


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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Well where do i start?
Im so annoyed upset an Peed off so please exuse the french words because i cant stop what im about to write because ive been awake since 4am doing a feed in the night because hubby didnt hear LO so i decided to do the feed an when i got back into bed i was woken at 5am with a phone call by my sister to tell me that my mum had been taken to hospital ( she had been out with her 2 mates) an that she had hurt her wrist and because she was in agony with pain the bouncers told her to get it checked so the nearest hospital was grantham bare in mind we found out 2 hours later when she was in hospital an my sister was frantic as me mum is usually back about 3am but it was 5am when me sister worried so she rang one friend mum shud of been with No answer so she rang the other an she sed oh shes in hospital. So none of us new in the family until 2 hours later an do u no wat that makes me think she cud of been in a ditch an no one would of told us im so angry :mad: cos her friends could of contacted us. Both her friends left her to go so me mum went hospital on her own i mean if i had a fall in a club id expect a friend to be with me an keep me calm my mum was crying in agony an every fucked off :mad: my mum is 48 an im over protective but this morning i thought she could of been in a ditch dead lying somewhere an no one would of told us :'( so called friggin friends they are.
Anyways docs didnt do anything sent her home cos they wudnt scan her wrist cos of the time she went in sent her home with painkillers an told her to go bk to another hospital today she did an was told she had 2 fractures an that to go bk in 2 weeks to wait for the swellin to go down they never even put a cast on or nethin just put it in a sling.
Im sorry if im over the top i over worry bout me mum as shes getting older but shes young at heart an she likes going clubbin still i know embarrising but its up to her. the weather of ice is wat made her slip on the dancefloor cos the wetness from the floor was from peoples shoes an her boots. I cant stand the fact that my mums in pain. :( x
Aw bless her!

Some 'friends' hey?! That's awful behaviour! I can't believe they left her to go alone!

Hope she's ok, and hope you are too x
I currently have a broken elbow so I can sympathise with bad hospital treatment as they left me sat there at 5am on my own with no painkillers etc for over an hour. They cant cast an elbow so sent me home with a sling! Its been 4 weeks now and Im on the mend!
I was lucky and had a friend with me when it happened although she left me to go and get her train home at the time and I struggled home on the bus and my OH had to call an ambulance in the middle of the night for me because of the pain.
As for your Mums friends.... My Mum just went to New York with 2 of her friends. She was the only responsible one out of the 3 of them as one is old and cant walk well and the other is an air head and doesnt have a clue what day it is so I was super worried. Had anything happened to my Mum I would have been so upset as I think they would have just panicked. I guess our Mums are old enough to look after themselves and we shouldnt have to worry but we do. Friends can be funny things and were all different and deal with things in various ways. I hope your Mum recovers well and you arent too stressed. XX
are they hoping not to do surgery on her? Surely they could have put a bandage on it or is it really badly swollen? I cant complain about hospital treatment as i'm recovering from a broken ankle (I broke it 10 weeks ago tomorrow) and i had to have surgery on it!! Sometimes i think its all due to the hospital being under staffed rather than treatment given!!
They didnt do surgery an they only put it in a sling that night cos they wudnt xray at night grr so she got given painkilers an a sling an 2 days later she went to hospital an they put a cast on it. she has to go for a scan on it it has swelled up its not broken just fractured in 2 places if by the scan nothing has change i think they might operate she just wants to better bless her. Im such a worrier im the worst of the lot in our family for worryin lol. x

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