So angry with (long rant)

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Well I have had the week from hell-having major problems in work-I may end up taking a grieveance against a member of staff and its stressing me big time..

Anyway, I orderded our big weekly shop online with Tesco on Tuesday for delivery Wed nite. Got in from work and picking up Rubes from nursery on Wed to an answer phone message to say sue to staff shortage they couldnt deliver that night and could I rng them..I di and they asked could I go to store to pick it up :doh: Ermmm...NO! OH was in work with the car, and I had to put Rubes to bed, hence the need for a home delivery! They apologosed and rebooked the delivery for Thurs night 9pm-11pm.

Well, we waited until 11.10pm last night and no shopping. Was so exhausted went to be not happy.

Didnt get chance to call until lunchtime today as I had a meeting with a manager over the s**t in work...Tesco said they would investigate and ring me hour and half later I rang back and they put me through to store. They have an explanation and said they would ring back..2 hours later I rang Call centre back and spoke to a "Customer Service Manager" who apologised and offered a delivery saturday!! I said I wanted a delivery as I need the shopping NOW-I needed it Wed night!! He wouldnt esculate my call to his line manager so I demanded he ring the store and ring m back ASAP.

The store then rang me, she said the duy manager from the night before had tried to ring me and left a messge on thursday night...he DIDNT-we were in ALL night and there was NO message on the answer phone...wait for this-they had packed the shopping and it was on the van but they couldnt deliver it as THEY had cancelled the order wed (staff shortages), and cancelled my payment (they said)-so as they didnt have a new payment they couldnt deliver (If I knew tis I would of paid immediatley over the phone!!) As agoodwill gesture she offered me £20 which I said I wasnt happy with and I said I would never shop with them again...

Just when I thought things couldnt get much worse, I checked my bank account online and they had infact taken the money from my account yesterday!! So they had taken the money but still didnt deliver!!

Cue another call to the call centre, they couldnt put me through to the "manager" I had spoken to-they didnt have anyone by that name :wall: and advised me the money would be refunded in 2- 5 days. HOW the F**K am I supposed to buy more shopping until they have refunded our money????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, I am £80 lighter, and not a loaf of bread to show for it..I m so upset and angry :evil:
What a cheek not refunding immediately :evil: .

I never have problems with Sainsbury delivery and they do 1 hour delivery slots instead of 2 hours like Tesco :D .
Hazel said:
What a cheek not refunding immediately :evil: .

I never have problems with Sainsbury delivery and they do 1 hour delivery slots instead of 2 hours like Tesco :D .

:hug: :hug: Thank you, didnt realise Sainsburys delivered here, just checked and they do :cheer: Just ordering for Monday night-will get a few essentials tomorrow to tide us over :) xx

These things happen - they can't always be helped, but the way they are dealing with it is rubbish!!!!!!!! I would be fumming!!!!
I would write all this down in a letter and send it to theif chief executive - it's not acceptable :wall:
OMFG are they taking the pi$$ or what :shock:

I would be fuming and good on you for not accepting the pathectic 20.
They should of delievered your food asap and free of charge for the big bulls up :roll:

Dont let them get away with it hun.
exactly the same thing happened to me, when i saw they had taken payment i phoned the store and told them that i had been shopping elsewhere and spent the money so they payment they took out went over my overdraft and i would be charged £27 by HSBC :fib: they gave me £20 goodwill gesture and refunded my overdraft costs :fib:
omg that is really bad, your best bet is write a copmlaint letter to head office, not the store, I work for tescos and I know that if a complaint goes to head office it isnt brushed off and they will find out whats going on with the store in question. Our store had a complaint come from head office once and they had all the big managers down and we all got letters about the complaint and how to prevent it from happening again.

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