Apparently I had been snoring again and keeping him up

Anyone have any solutions?!
aramintalovegrove said:Recite this mantra to him enough times he will get the message (my DH now says it with me)
IM carrying YOUR baby, Im having all the kicks, thumps, heart burn, pains and discomfort (insert any other nasty ailments here) I have puked my guts up for the first 3 months, waddle like a duck and have the indiganty of showing medical professionals my vagina, bump, boobs when ever they request. To top it all off in X weeks I will be in excrutiating agony pushing a watermelon sized head out of an apple sized hole. My sleep has been disturbed since the day of conception, the only decent thing you can do for me right now is either stay on the couch if I snore or gently wake me and ask me to move in an adoring fashion!!
aramintalovegrove said:Recite this mantra to him enough times he will get the message (my DH now says it with me)
IM carrying YOUR baby, Im having all the kicks, thumps, heart burn, pains and discomfort (insert any other nasty ailments here) I have puked my guts up for the first 3 months, waddle like a duck and have the indiganty of showing medical professionals my vagina, bump, boobs when ever they request. To top it all off in X weeks I will be in excrutiating agony pushing a watermelon sized head out of an apple sized hole. My sleep has been disturbed since the day of conception, the only decent thing you can do for me right now is either stay on the couch if I snore or gently wake me and ask me to move in an adoring fashion!!