i don't think its anything to do with progeterone

. Its usually over weight people who snore the most and as we are all preggas and more weighty that makes us more prone to snoring.
here i found this
Snoring affects 45 per cent of the population from time to time and an estimated 25 per cent of people are habitual snorers. There are a number of reasons why you may snore.
Age can be a factor. The older you get, the weaker your throat muscles become. Weak throat muscles cause the surrounding tissues to sag and vibrate.
If you are overweight, your throat tissues are less firm and more inclined to vibrate when you breathe.
A low-set, thick soft palate, or enlarged tonsils or adenoids (the spongy tissue between the back of the nose and throat) can narrow your airway.
A longer-than-normal uvula (the triangular piece of skin that hangs from your soft palate) can limit airflow and increase vibrations as you breathe.
Nasal blockages caused by allergies or a deviated septum (when the partition between your nose is crooked) can limit airflow through your nose. This forces you to breathe through your mouth where more flabby tissue is located.
Alcohol and certain drugs (such as tranquillisers) affect your central nervous system, causing extreme relaxation of your muscles, including those in your throat.
When you sleep on your back, your tongue falls backwards into your throat which can narrow your airway and partly block airflow.
and yes i wake myself up too bagpuss!