

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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:oops: I woke up in the night and OH wasn't there....found him camped out on the sofa!

Apparently I had been snoring again and keeping him up :oops: I never done it before and can only think it's something to do with all my bits being more squished up?! :think:

Anyone have any solutions?!

I've been snoring for weeks. I've found out how much my DH loves me as he hasnt complained and just wears earplugs. I've woken myself up snoring so I must be pretty loud.

Snoring strips mght help, I haven't tried them as I don't like the feel of them on my nose. Are you sleeping on your side?
Yeah I can't breathe on my back, can't get comfy on my right as that's my worse hip from arthritis, so sleep on my left...facing him!! I tried sleeping on my right last night to help him, but now my hip is buggered for the day and limping around like an 80 year old!

I doubt he'll go for the ear plugs but I'll ask...maybe it's his bit of practice for the waking in the night he'll have from LO in a few weeks! :twisted:
Swap sides in bed so you're not facing him? I know I wouldn't want to do that as I'm the side nearest the loo.

He'll just have to put up with it, he's going to have to get used to sleepness nights in a few weeks anyway.
Recite this mantra to him enough times he will get the message (my DH now says it with me :lol: )

IM carrying YOUR baby, Im having all the kicks, thumps, heart burn, pains and discomfort (insert any other nasty ailments here) I have puked my guts up for the first 3 months, waddle like a duck and have the indiganty of showing medical professionals my vagina, bump, boobs when ever they request. To top it all off in X weeks I will be in excrutiating agony pushing a watermelon sized head out of an apple sized hole. My sleep has been disturbed since the day of conception, the only decent thing you can do for me right now is either stay on the couch if I snore or gently wake me and ask me to move in an adoring fashion!!
aramintalovegrove said:
Recite this mantra to him enough times he will get the message (my DH now says it with me :lol: )

IM carrying YOUR baby, Im having all the kicks, thumps, heart burn, pains and discomfort (insert any other nasty ailments here) I have puked my guts up for the first 3 months, waddle like a duck and have the indiganty of showing medical professionals my vagina, bump, boobs when ever they request. To top it all off in X weeks I will be in excrutiating agony pushing a watermelon sized head out of an apple sized hole. My sleep has been disturbed since the day of conception, the only decent thing you can do for me right now is either stay on the couch if I snore or gently wake me and ask me to move in an adoring fashion!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I may just try that! But dought he will wake me...he tried that 3 weeks ago and it made me cry!! :lol: blooming hormones :wall:
try swapping sides.... if your lying facing the middle of the bed you're more likely to snore because you are slightly leaning down towards the middle of the bed. if you face the edge you lean more upwards and are supposed to snore less...... don't really know if that's true or not but my DH always stops snoring when he's facing the outside of the bed.
aramintalovegrove said:
Recite this mantra to him enough times he will get the message (my DH now says it with me :lol: )

IM carrying YOUR baby, Im having all the kicks, thumps, heart burn, pains and discomfort (insert any other nasty ailments here) I have puked my guts up for the first 3 months, waddle like a duck and have the indiganty of showing medical professionals my vagina, bump, boobs when ever they request. To top it all off in X weeks I will be in excrutiating agony pushing a watermelon sized head out of an apple sized hole. My sleep has been disturbed since the day of conception, the only decent thing you can do for me right now is either stay on the couch if I snore or gently wake me and ask me to move in an adoring fashion!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I love that mantra- i think i will have to steal this one!

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