

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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When I found out I was pregnant I gave up smoking straight away (well I had one after I found out) and had no problems giving up and didn't crave a cig during pregnancy at all.

Now I've had Kieran I really want a cig :? I've not had one because of breastfeeding but I've been really tempted and have been craving one alot :|

I really don't want to start smoking again :wall: :wall: I thought I'd be ok after Kieran was born because I'd not wanted one at all during pregnancy and didn't even think about it so I had just assumed I would still feel like that after I'd given birth :wall:

Anyone else go back to smoking after pregnancy? If not, did you crave one after you had your baby and what did you do to stop yourself having one?

The only reasons I haven't had one is because of BFing and that Kieran comes into my bed and you aren't supposed to sleep with them if you smoke and that it increases babies risk of SIDS.

Im not going to start again, I have gone this long and because of the reasons above but I can't help craving one :wall: :wall: :wall:
I'm still craving and I haven't smoked in over 1year and 8 months... I had one puff on a ciggy for my birthday and it felt like someone had ripped my throat, I nearly collapsed...put me off smoking though.... even though the cravings are still there...
I stopped smoking as soon as i found out i was pregnant. Havent had a cig since even tho i have craved them on the odd occasion. So your not alone there.

I will not take up the habit again, until i quit i didnt realise how awful i must have smelt. Its bad for my health and my purse and of course bad for my baby so thats all the motivation i need to keep off the fags :)
I want a fag. I also want a huge cold glass of white wine. :rotfl:

I might become a social smoker when I drink as I only smoked a couple a day before BFP then quit without to much problem. I don't like the smell of it now and complain when people smoke near me.
I stopped smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant ( I was about 6weeks) I found it really easy to stop and didnt have a fag for nearly a yr. Now Ive had quite a few and cant seem to stop :( I have about 1-2 a day, sometimes more if Im super stressed. I am bringing up James alone without any support really and I find it really hard at times so Im putting my smoking down to that. That 5mins spent having a smoke is the only 'me time' I get and I actually feel like me again. I dont know if that makes sense but thats how I felt.

Ive been having the odd one for about 5weeks now. It started as the odd one at the wknd with a glass of wine and then progressed. Honestly I feel awful for starting again and my advice to you is DONT DO IT :hug: :hug: :hug: How I wish Id never put that first foul fag in my mouth. One leads to another and another and another. Now I feel like Im a slave to fags again.

I will stop, I was going to today but Ive had one already :wall: :wall: :wall:

I think when we are pregnant the motivation to not smoke is HUGE. We know if we smoke our babies will be directly affected so we dont so it. When the baby isnt inside you anymore its like your body says 'Yes! its possible to have a fag now if you want to....

I also co-slept with James and completely forgot that it was REALLY bad if I had been smoking :( I havent had him in bed with me since I remebered which Im quite sad too. I was SOOO anti smoking when I stopped, the smell is just awful ( now I cant smell it) and when I was pregnant I was terrified that my MIL would pick up James when he was born after she had had a look at me :? :? :? :? :? Im a complete idiot!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall:

IF you find it easy to stop you'll find it easy to start again. Its so not worth it hun xxxx
I gave up smoking when i found out i was pg both times, and i know it sounds aweful but after having hope i knew id smoke again, which i did, i did all i could not to while pg even though the craving were so strong. Im craving them badly this time and its taking alot of will power not to have one and im afraid that it will be the same again after i have this one, i wish the cravings would go away :(
Tillytots you mustn't feel so guilty... it's not like you're smoking in the house next to him :hug: :hug: :hug:

J and I both quit when i got pregnant with Casey but started again just before his funeral :cry:

As we're TTC again shortly though we're going to be quitting very soon, I know it will be hard though... I craved all the way through Casey's pregnancy... hoping that doesnt happen this time :|
I gave up when i was preggers with Beth, then i started again straight afterwards :roll: How silly :oops: Got preggers with Izzie and actually found it really easy to give up, much much easier than last time! I had 1 fag when i was preggers (right at the beginning, like a 'goodbye' fag) then i went and threw up everywhere 9my body rejecting it maybe?) so it was no probs for me not to touch them........however.......

I do hjave the odd one if im out for a drink at the weekend :( :oops: I would NEVER smoke near Izzie, or smoke if i knew i was gonna be seeing her and breathing on he or anything. When i go out i dont see her again until the following morning so i know it will be out of my system. Its so stupid. I dont understand how i can go weeks and weeks without one, and it sdoesnt even bother me, then as soon as ive had a drink, im craving one so badly.

Im worried that i'll start wanting one at other times now though :x MUST....FIGHT.....THE...URGE.....
andreaaa said:
Tillytots you mustn't feel so guilty... it's not like you're smoking in the house next to him :hug: :hug: :hug:

J and I both quit when i got pregnant with Casey but started again just before his funeral :cry:

As we're TTC again shortly though we're going to be quitting very soon, I know it will be hard though... I craved all the way through Casey's pregnancy... hoping that doesnt happen this time :|

thanks for the hugs hun, I still feel so guilty though. I know I dont smoke in the house and I wait until he is asleep but the other lenghts I go to make it even more silly that I smoke really. I wash my clothes as soon as I come in the house, wear rubber gloves :lol: wash my hands so much that they are now falling apart and Im suprised I havent brushed my teeth away. I dont have to touch James for at least an hour after IVe smoked but I still get worried something will happen to him because of my smoking. The only answer is to stop. I really thought Id cracked it too when I quit whilst preggy, I never thought Id smoke again :roll:
Thanks for the replies :hug: I started again after having Nathan and wished I hadn't. I just keep thinking I'll only have one then not have anymore but I know that after I have had that first one that I will be back to smoking again and I don't want to do that.

Tilly - That's exactly how I feel, im bringing up Nathan and Kieran alone and sometimes just want a fag so I get that 5 mins ME time, like you said it just gives you 5mins to have a break and be yourself again and that's alot of what I miss about smoking. Also what you said about after you give birth it's like your body says you can have one now, that's how I felt aswell, after I had him I thought 'Oh I can have a fag now if I wanted to'.

It's hard though because im craving them really bad now, the main thing stopping me is the BFing but even then I keep thinking if I had one straight after he feeds it will be out of my system by the next time he feeds :roll:
I stopped smoking just before i got my BFP didn't have any cravings during pregnancy and haven't since.. till reading this post. lol. TBF tho i haven't been out, had a drink or been around people smoking. It might be different then! I really hope i never smoke again but i'm realistic and know you should never say never!

Rachel wouldn't the chemicals from the fags get into your milk? :think: xx

Tillys hope you manage to quit again, it's evil nicotine and once its got you it's sooo hard, but if you done it once... :hug: xx
what you want is an electronic cigarette
iv never really been a smoker but i kno just how u feel. i quit a 10-year-long drugs habit when i got my BFP and found it really easy while pregnant and even while BFing. but this year iv been getting massive massive gak cravings :oops: :oops: :oops:

i feel so sorry for u lot coz the things u crave are available all over the place, in every shop u go to, the temptation must be unbearable :hug:

xena, what are electronic cigarettes?
How much is one of those things and where do you get em from. Im having probs with craving while pg do you think they would be safe for me to use?? they look ace :D
Mel&Bean said:
How much is one of those things and where do you get em from. Im having probs with craving while pg do you think they would be safe for me to use?? they look ace :D

I actually don't know whether they can be used during pregnancy. They are totally safe in terms of not getting lung cancer or anything, so when you are not pregnant they are ideal for smokers who want to pacify their cravings without risking their health (and you can't harm anybody else with them around you because there is no passive smoke), but you do get nicotine from them when you 'smoke' them so I presume that might mean that the baby could get addicted to nicotine, which is not a good thing!
I think you'd have to ask your doctor though.

In terms of where to get one, I got one for my MIL as a birthday present from it was about £50

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