Smoking and Drinking


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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I'm a smoker and drinker, not a majorly heavy drinker but I do love my glass of wine. I try to limit it to weekends only but, with the girls I work with, sometimes that's difficult. Anyway, last time I was pregnant, I was drinking and smoking and as soon as I found out I was pregnant, gave it all up. I then had a MMC at 7 weeks 2 days. I know it probably was just one of those things that happens but part of me wonders if it was the withdrawal symptoms from all of a sudden going cold turkey that could have had an affect. And I have read that nicotine withdrawal can cause a miscarriage, although I'm not sure how true this is.

Anyway, I'm just wondering how many of you smoked and drank and then gave up as soon as you got your BFP and then had a healthy baby 9 months later? Me and my husband are trying again so I could potentially be pregnant now (I'm now in my 1WW so I can probably test next weekend) but I don't want to give up the smoking cold turkey if this can cause problems. I know loads of people who have smoked all the way through their pregnancies and had no problems but I won't be one of those people. I'm just wondering, if I do get my BFP next weekend, should I just cut down on the smoking and then gradually phase it out or would I be best to just stop altogether?
I did/do both, and quit soon as I found out! Poor bean was pickled before I found out though!! :(

But yes, I stoped smoking and had maybe - 4 glasses of wine in the whole 9 months,..
I stopped both as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I had one mouthful of wine for the whole 9mths pregnancy on christmas day and I threw up everywhere so never had anything else again!
never drank much anyway but stopped smoking as soon as i discovered i was (unexpectedly) pregnant at 8 weeks. no probs when a happy Dylan was born 7 months later.
i smoked about 20 a day and still not had one since :D best thing i could have done.
I dont smoke but i do drink (occasionally :) ) I never drank a drop when i was pregnant. I made up for it afterwards though :dance:
I know this is easy for me to say as a non-smoker but personally I think you should quit before you start TTC. If you know you don't want to risk harming your baby through smoking while pregnant (and after) then it makes sense to get on top of that before TTC rather than planning a pregnancy and intending only to stop once you are pregnant. So rather than waiting for the weekend to cut down, do it today. Call your GP and ask to talk to a GP or nurse practitioner to ask if stopping cold turkey is likely to cause a miscarriage or if spending this one week cutting down is enough to mean you can stop next weekend. Like I say, I know it's easier for me to say that than for you to do it. It just sounds to me like your plans are back to front. I quit drinking as soon as we started TTC. Sorry to hear about the miscarriage :( :hug:
I stopped smoking 3 days after i got my BFP. My baby was born healthy but i developed pre eclampsia hence her low birth weight.
I smoked and drank before my BFP but I did stop smoking when we seriously started trying which was about 2 weeks before I conceived so a month before I got my BFP. I was actually quite drunk the weekend I did conceive so could have been pregnant when I was drunk depending on whether I conceived on the Friday night (was sober that night) or the Saturday night when I'd had a skin full. Once I got my BFP I did have a little sip during the first 12 weeks but only because I didn't want work to suspect. I was at an awards ceremony in London and we had a champagne reception and had a glass but didn't drink it just had a few sips, then I had a glass of red with my meal but only sipped half and then afterwards we went to the Dorchester for champagne but again I had a few sips. Once I got passed 12 weeks I had the odd glass of wine once in a blue moon and its amazing that I could make one glass last all night!
Thanks for your responses. I know as a non smoker, it is difficult to understand the addiction a smoker feels. When I was pregnant, I had no problem giving up because I knew I didn't want to do my baby any harm. I missed smoking but the baby was more important. Anyway, when I found out I'd had a MMC at my 12 week scan, the first thing I did was go out and get a bottle of wine and 20 fags. I planned on giving up again as soon as I went back to work but I'm struggling! I keep trying to tell myself that I'm pregnant now so I should stop, but I know I'm not (well I could be, won't know until next week). So I think if I am pregnant this month then I'll just have a couple of puffs on a fag a day for a while and then just stop completely. I feel in limbo! And I know it's my fault, I'm angry at myself for not being able to stop.
I've smoked during pregnancy. Nothing I'm proud of, but I didn't manage to stop, only cut down a lot. However I quit the day I had my daughter and haven't had cravings or owt since. weird how things go.

I also drank the occasional shandy or spritzer.
I was a heavy drinker before I got pregnant and went out clubbing almost every weekend (drinking while out). As soon as I found out after a particularly heavy session drikning and clubbing for DH's birthday that I was pregnant, I stopped drinking at all. It was hard as I love my wine and vodka, but thankfully I had a healthy pregnancy and Isla was born healthy.
1st pregnancy i dint stop smoking just cut down hugly and i had a mmc at 8 weeks
2nd pregnancy i quit after my bfp about 5 weeks pregnant and my son was born with a cleft palate and a few other problems, (insidently the palate is formed at around 5/6 weeks so maybe quitting had something to do with it i will never know)
3rd pregnancy not smoked since quitting with Thomas and will find out on the 16th if this baby has a cleft aswell :)

I agree dont beat yourself up about smoking again as you know yourself you will quit when you get your bfp :D
:hug: Goodluck for testing day
I am not really a big drinker and when I was pregnant did not have any! Well two glasses at Christmas and felt so light headed but to be honest I could have gone on nut would not of anyway! Smoking on the other hand smoked when I found out I was pregnant but stopped at about 8 weeks as it made me feel sick then about 5 months into the pregnacy I got my cravings back and not proud but smoked about 5 a day! I was ashamed though did never smoke in public only at Home behind closed doors! I always had my mums words going round in my head - there is nothing more unattractive than a pregnant women smoking and too be honest those words did help! I am trying to give up now part of me might as well while the prescriptions are free and the other part I hate it when I go out in the garden and my son is looking out the window at me! Awful feel of guilt!
Doctors would not say smoking is bad during pregnancy if it was not true I can't talk as I did it and have thankfully gave birth to a healthy 7lb 13oz boy!

I would certainly recommend giving up wish I never started but its awful I hate going near my son after a fag cause I think god I must stink and he is breathing in that smell! So patches here I am.

X x
I used to drink and smoke and would never ever consider doing either whilst pregnant (i have very strong views on this but wont go into it again like i have on previous posts).

I have never heard than quitting cold turkey could cause a miscarriage. Thats a new one to me.

Hope you quit.

Claire x
I quit smoking cold turkey when I got my BFP with Dan and that pregnancy ended with my gorgeous little boy.
I wasn't smoking when I got my BFP in october but that pregnancy did end in miscarriage.
I have never smoked but my hubby gave up when I got my first BFP with our eldest and I have seen how hard it is (2nd hand) don't beat yourself up about how hard you are finding it. Go to your GP and get all the help you can to cut down or quit and try to focus on the positive of you are trying all you can rather than on the I had 2 fags today I feel like a failure. The only time I have drank during pregnancy was when my husbands nan died and I had a small drink at her wake to be honest I don't miss it the only thing I hate giving up is my blue cheese and peanut M&M's (not eaten together) :rotfl:
i quit smoking the second i got my bfp. I actually threw a full pack of 20 away.

I had a glass of champagne on my 30th birthday, one at xmas, one at my friends wedding and that was the total of my drinking. LO was 9 days early at a respectable 6lb 11oz.

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