

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Does anyone else still feel nauseous with certain smells?

There is a man that sits behind me at work who gas a salmon or tuna and red onion sandwich every day. Even typing this makes me feel sick.

I literally dread lunch time because of it. He doesn't know I'm pregnant although if he did I don't know if I'd say.

He's away thursday for 2 weeks. It can't come soon enough.

omg yes!!!! totally! everything makes me gag even nice things like my shampoo or perfume altho i do think its not as bad this week so maybe its dying down a bit, fingers crossed by the time he comes back you will be feeling a little better x
Yep I feel your pain here.
My sense to smell has hit the roof and will actually make me bring up bile if I get a strong whiff. We have 2 dogs which we love like our own children and bless them for the past few months I can't be near them because of there typical dog smell.

It will ease up eventually, altho u will still be sensitive to the smells, it just won't bug u as much I've found anyway x
Thanks glad I'm not the only one. It's mainly his sandwich that gets me. I actually get upset about it lol. I feel awful because he's a nice bloke but I avoid him now. I associate him with smelly salmon.

I'm hoping he gies out for lunch but most of the time he goes out and bloody comes back as soon as I'm back at my desk!

I feel your pain with pets. The thought or look of sheeba is not good! The amount if times I've been sick after looking at the cats bowl is endless!

Smelly guy just rolled his seat over to talk to me there. Lol. I can't help but pull a face. I'm such a cow!


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