Smart Price Challenge


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Have you ever been to the super market and only bout the smart price stuff to see how much you would save? We did this in asda and it knocked a whopping £20 off our bill. We had some of our usual stuff though as some smart price stuff i dont trust but cerials, biscuits and stuff it saves absouletly loads. I think you should all try it as it will save loads off ur weekly shopping bill :D
:roll: my OH is a food snob and won't take anything to work with him that doesn't have a brand name on the packet... because McVities is just sooooo cool! :doh:

I get quite a lot of smartprice stuff for the cupboards though that he doesn't know about- all comes out of the same distribution factories!
you know what you should do take the smart price biccies outa the packet and wrap em up in a food bag for him to take to work, he will never know, my oh was all up for us buying the cheaper stuff he aint fussed :lol:
we did this when we applied for a mortgage to save some extra money we saved about £30 a month :shock: although smart price/asda's own butter beans/sketty hoops/soups are horrible so although we saved the food wasnt right good. I do love there bizkits though and asda's own cheese is yummy :D
ill agree the butter is like lard but i love smart price beans :dance:
Good advice! I actually did an online experiment yesterday...usually we do our online shop at Sainsbury's, so I did it and then did one at ASDA putting in like for like. I was surprised that the price was very very similar (I am looking at ways to reduce spending now that I am becoming a SAHM)
I might try it again, but with more Smart Price items...problem is though I am trying to be healthy and get lots of organic, low fat/sugar/salt foods and no ready meals....that makes shopping loads more expensive! :cry:
you colud still buy organic fruit and veg that would help and just dont buy ready meals, its hard when your trying to be healthy isnt it, but on my part £20 a week is a huge saving :dance:
Littlelady87 said:
you colud still buy organic fruit and veg that would help and just dont buy ready meals, its hard when your trying to be healthy isnt it, but on my part £20 a week is a huge saving :dance:

Defo, £20 is an excellent saving! I am going to go and play on the ASDA site again!
I love SmartPrice Jaffa cakes :D miles better than McVities ones.
I must admit I don't like buying smart price stuff, but only cos a lot of it tastes yuck/isn't as effective. It's trial and error finding which one's are ok and which aren't. I've found most are inferior quality.
I often buy the normal own brand stuff though.
muppetmummy said:
I must admit I don't like buying smart price stuff, but only cos a lot of it tastes yuck/isn't as effective. It's trial and error finding which one's are ok and which aren't. I've found most are inferior quality.
I often buy the normal own brand stuff though.

Oooo the snobery :shakehead:

There are certain things I wouldn't buy like their washing powder or fab softener.
But most other things i'll give a try especially when we are having a skint week. OH often prefers the Smartprice stuff anyway to branded stuff.
My OH thinks I'm a food snob, he's always picking up smart price stuff for himself. He's currently got a stash of smart price midget gems in the cupboard :lol:
Smartprice Licorice Allsorts are nice too. And they're only about 25p a bag :D
i think im the only one who loves smart price, im an smart price whore :dance:
I don't shop at asda I shop at tesco's.

Where you get all your best clothes :lol:

I must apologise, I'm feeling really childish today :oops:

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