it must be awful for you manda plus not if it'll happen on wed aswel, hearing 'we're too busy' doesn't really cut it does it! hope things start to happen for you well before then xx
I think most people understand your frustration, whether they're experiencing it or not, you needed to rant and thats what this place is for. There are way too many hormones going around this place and you cant keep everyone happy. Please dont feel you cant let off steam in here.
I personally think that people who want to keep ranting about what an elective c section is should start a new thread.
Manda started this thread to let out her frustration. Some of you may have been insulted...But put it into context. Manda is stressed and upset and made a comment which is one that the media fuels. making us believe electives are the too posh to push and nothing else.
It is not like she started a thread to simply talk about this.
I know we are all hormonal around here, but ya'll got to chill and just support eachother. A little undertsnading would, in this situation, go a long way.
Hmmnn ive never replied in a controvertial way before but fuffins i do feel that the only one 'ranting about sections' was manda herself
I did have a traumatic emergency section due to complictations last time. I do symphasise with manda, going over is awful, i went over 10 days before my section but i have spent the best part of this pregnancy worrying whether to try for a natural or section as i struggled physically and emotionally afterwards with my section.
15 days over is long but if someone could guarantee me that if i went 15 days over this time and have a safe natural birth, id opt for it in a second.
hang in there hun, it can only be a few days at the VERY most. You'll have your little man in your arms real soon. I know you must be so uncomfy and frustrated
As for the C-section thing and whoever took offfence I think it is fair to say manda wouldnt have meant to upset anyone. We all know that 3rd tri is tough and the last few weeks and days are just horrendous and as Fuffins said we just need to support eachother
I've not read your original post but certainly from reading the thread I've not taken offence. I don't think any was intended and know you to be one of the most supportive people here. I think a combination of worded a bit badly and stress/upset.
But hang in there hun, you'll get to meet him soon. I know you are uncomfy and miserable (as are most of us in these final weeks) and time is dragging, but try not to get so down about it.
I know you didn't intentionally mean to offend others by what you have said but maybe you should think about others aswell as yourself as I'm sure alot of them are probably in the same situation or maybe worse to be having a C-section. I know how stressful it is to go overdue, I went 10days over and was induced on the 11th day, many people were telling me to chill out and enjoy my last few days/weeks of freedom and I didn't listen but now I regret that, I spent so much time miserable cause I didn't have my baby yet that I didn't enjoy my last few days of being just me & OH, I think you should try and relax hun you know he's going to be here soon and your life will change alot once he's here so please do try and enjoy the last few days you have left with just you & your OH.
I think you have either got me wrong or I have expressed myself incorrectly. There has been a very 'emotive' reaction to what Manda said. I was asking people to just put into perspective the context it was said in and to think about how much the media has us believe that electives are just 'too posh to push'...Manda would not be the first to think this was what an elective is and she wont be the last.
And to be fair to her, unlike what some people have said, there are people who on the NHS can have an elective due to a 'phobia' to give birth. If anyone believes the NHS always do what is medically needed over convenience.....They are wrong. I worked for the NHS for long enough to know this.
It is hard for any of us who have not had a section to know what it feels like to have to have one. My mom had an emergency section 19 years ago. It meant she did not see my sister for hours....and back then the incision was huge. I cannot think of anything worse.....I can sympathise, but I can't empathise, as I have never been through it.
I am sorry for believing that all that was needed in this thread was little understanding. I don't think Manda is the only person who could be accused of needing to think before she typed.
Support is all that is needed. Some people explained what an elective is and I think that was totally relative. Emotional attacks...Not so much IMHO.
I hope you are feeling a little better today Manda
15 days over is long but if someone could guarantee me that if i went 15 days over this time and have a safe natural birth, id opt for it in a second.
I totally agree with this comment. One other thing worth mentioning about the whole section thing is that babies can often have "wet lung" after a section and end up in scbu, I would rather a natural birth having gone overdue, than risk this for baby.
As for ranting, yeah we are all feeling big and fraustrated towards the end of our pregnancies, but that dosent give us carte blanche to make other people feel like cr**
I apologise for trying to make people understand eachothers points of view.
And to be honest, when they induce at 15 days over, there is no guarentee of a natural birth. As the baby can be more likely to go into distress, which would lead to a need for a c section. With childbirth, there are no guarentees.
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