SMA White!?!?!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
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anyone know how to tell if you should be giving your baby SMA White?

I feed Noah on SMA gold, but as you know he is a big boy, at only a month old he is taking 6oz every four hours, sometimes 7oz! he seems to be going up an oz in food every week! and even then sometimes he gets grizzly for more before 4 hours is up.

I have seen in Tesco SMA White which is for hungry babies, should I be trying this, or is he a bit to young?!?!
I would talk to your Health Visitor for some advice, Jamie was the same at about a month old and i wanted to put him up to the next milk for hungrier babies, i asked my HV and she said to try and stick with what we are using as changing formula can make them badly constipated also she said that the milk for hungrier babies is harder to digest??!! therefore they get constipated more often! Hope all that makes sence, basically what she advised was only to go up to the next milk if you feel you really have to!!! but id say go with your instints to what you feel is best for you little un!
Hi Cat my baby was exactly the same. He was on SMA Gold and he was always hungry. My health visitors told me to keep him on it but I went on my own instincts and changed him onto the milk for hungrier babies (I actually changed him onto cow and gate plus but the SMA one will just be the same) He was 5 weeks old when I changed him over and he has been so much happier since then! I found Reece wasn't as sick as much too as that was also a problem he had on Gold. If you think he might be better off on it then give it a go you can always change him back if you have any problems.
Hiya Cat

Kyran went from SMA Gold to SMA white at 3weeks old. The reason we changed his formula was because he couldn't stomach more than 3 ounces at a time (winding after every ounce) but was hungry half an hour after a feed.

Although the SMA white does not have a higher calorific value, it's composition of whey is different. The SMA White stays in the gut longer and is harder to digest, making babies go longer between feeds. Kyran still only takes 4oz in a feed, but feeds frequently in the day (Can be every 2 hrs) but sleeps through the night from 1am to 7am.

-A bit of advice though - Whhen we changed Ky over he suffed awful constipation for a few days and it was really upsetting for me to see him so distraught when trying to poo. - To avoid it I would try and give Noah some colled boiled water, maybe an ounce a day just too keep his pooh soft.

Hope this helps a bit
Thanks for the advice girls,
Put Noah on SMA white Sunday night after talking to health visitor. She always says if your baby is taking between 6 and 8oz at each food, its wort moving up to White.

So after Noahs first full day on SMA White . . . . .

. . . . . He went through the night!!!!

Had his last feed at 11pm then woke at 5:30! and he seems a lot more content between feeds to. before he used to start sucking on his hands like mad and get grouchy for feeds way before they were due. He is still draining his bottle each time but its definatly filling him up more! If anyone else is having problems filling up there baby for decent periods of time I well recomend it! :D
dior went up when she was 3weeks old it made her a bit colicy at first and her poohs changed abit but she soon got used to it,

Kieran was on SMA gold all the way through with no problems.

Joshua couldnt stomach sma so we put him on cow and gate.

i think that the oil in sma upset his stomach. different oil in cow and gate. Joshua was fine once we worked this out.

post a piccie Cat

Hi ya, Emma is on aptmail first. She is doing really well on it, she has 5 oz , but i do think it wont b long b4 she has to move up.


just noticed this old thread and wondered how it was going for you on the White Cat? I think we've got the same situation going on. He's only a month and he's on 6-7oz every four hours and is starting to grizzle for more. Like your baby he's been taking an oz more each week! It seems like an awful lot of calories and fluid for one so small and he doesn't even seem satisfied afterwards.

When you switched to White how much did you offer him to start with? How much boiled water did you give him to help with the constipation? I'm going to ask my HV about it but if she disagrees I'll probably do it anyway as it's getting stupid and I'm worried that he'll get too fat and still be unhappily hungry.

Did you switch too stephlw25?

Hi rosebay no i didnt switch in the end, Jamie is a fusser eater!!! (like his dad!!) so some days he would have 6/7oz every 3/4 hours and others he would have 3/4oz every 2/3 hours so i didnt really think he could be that hungry! Anyway its a lot better now since starting him on some baby rice etc. I havent changed the milk since he was born.

Go with your insticts, he does sound like a very hungry baby! when i asked the HV about him eating a lot every few hours she asked as long as he he still sleepin through the night, which he was, then not to switch.
Ask your HV and see what she says but like i said go with your insticts. Just remember to give some cooled boiled water inbetween feeds as they can get constipated at first from switching formula.


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