slowing down


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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When did you all start to slow down again in tri 3

like in tri one you feel poop, then tri 2 you feel great then tri 3 you start to feel poop again haha

hahahha ive felt fine all tri2 bar a lil constipation, but im starting to feel pregnant now, just a bit heavey on mi feet an tireness hitting bk heart burn to :nap:, x x x
I am slowed down now. Lol felt like tri 1 hit me in tri 3 although heartburn has gone and I can breathe again.
I just can't walk fast at all lol.
And sleeping is ok until I wake for loo breaks and the plastic sheet is making me sweaty lol x x
I'm okay but I'm still only early on in tri 3. just the heartburn that gets me at the moment and the 100 toilet breaks i need.
I think I started really feeling it at 30 weeks. For me its mainly tiredness constantly, some heartburn. And from last night till now, leg cramps! Just cleaned my bedroom within an inch of its life and probably over did it but really wanted it done!

For me I was bumbling along very happily until 32 weeks then I just started to feel heavier, slower, more tired and generally started to get a few little niggles but have some days where I feel fine and others where everything feels like hard work! x
Mine was around the 30 week mark. I can't walk fast and if I do too much I start to get breathless or feel a little dizzy. He just feels a lot heavier to carry around. xx
hmm i think it was about 28 weeks i started to feel very heavy and my back pains got bad. I dont feel ill or anything though - just huge! x
I started slowing down at about 9 weeks...joke! Pretty much as soon as I quit work at 27 weeks!! Mainly down to my SPD tho and I've been anaemic for a while too. I think I've slowed down so much now I might have stopped.
I am totally knackered, started with bad back about 25 weeks, and thought then that my tiredness and heartburn was bad, but now realise that was nothing.... really hit me at about 32 weeks. x
I think about 32 weekish but honestly some days I feel fab and other like im 90odd.. I have more good days than bad though thankfully :D

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