Sling Help


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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Have also posted this in F&N but hoping to get more traffic in here....

Not sure of the best place to post this, but am looking for advice on the best thing for BFing.

I'm thinking of getting a babasling, has anyone else used one? Got any advice on any slings?


Moby wrap 100 % amazing x

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I hate my baba sling with a passion, don't waste your money! Moby is prob the best when they are tiny or even a ring sling if you want to use it for bf as well.
I agree with sarah - I bought a babasling n I have used it once in 4mnths-total faff!
And it even hurt my shoulder carrying him when he was tiny!
Never managed BFing in my moby.

Just recently started using an oversized scarf (£3 primark) tied on one shoulder to carry LO in, it does the same job as a babasling. We found it really easy to BF in I recently walked the circumference of Hainault lake and all around the mini-farm breastfeeding and nobody batted an eyelid lol
Thanks for your replies everyone.

I looked at the moby but it looks tricky getting LO in and out and also doesn't look too easy to BF in?? Am I wrong??

The babasling looks perfect for BFing, but don't like that a couple of you found it so uncomfortable.

An edging towards the babasling still, guess I can order it give it a try and send it back if it's not any good?!
Dnt think ull b able to send it bk hun just cus u dont get on with it.

This thread has prompted me to get my bbsling outta the box n give it another go, maybe tomorrow, ill let u know how I get on/.

Off to my mummys walking club today to pram required.

Another thumbs down for the baba sling here im afraid. Its very bulky and uncomfortable. I found breastfeeding to be easiest in an asian-style carrier like a mei-tai. It is possible to feed in the Moby too although just a little trickier I think.

The Moby is very comfortable I have to say, and once you get the hang of it you really wouldn't be without one. I have been on a daytrip to London with a 6-month old in a Moby and it was a breeze! It is also quite stretchy so you don't actually have to wrap and unwrap to get LO in and out :).
Another thumbs down for the baba sling here im afraid. Its very bulky and uncomfortable. I found breastfeeding to be easiest in an asian-style carrier like a mei-tai. It is possible to feed in the Moby too although just a little trickier I think.

The Moby is very comfortable I have to say, and once you get the hang of it you really wouldn't be without one. I have been on a daytrip to London with a 6-month old in a Moby and it was a breeze! It is also quite stretchy so you don't actually have to wrap and unwrap to get LO in and out :).

Think will have a better look into the moby then, it's just how it looks hard to get baby in that has put me off, and so was worried would be hard to also position baby right for feeding.

Will have a better look bit later xxx
i have a moby type one off ebay that was 15 quid, once you have practised a bit its easy to get baby in and out of and there are a few different ways to use it and differnet carrying positions. ive only learnt the basic tie so far lol but im sure there will be one for bfing somewhere.

i found these kind of vids made it much easier to understand how to wrap the sling on me properly

this one shows a good position for bf'ing just have to make sure babys able to breathe well enough in that position and their head isnt pressing into their chest
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Just watched some videos and the babasling does look uncomfortable, but the other slings look too much hassle lol

Might go for a mamascarf instead lol
I borrowed my sisters babasling and after seeing the videos on how to use it I felt better about it! I've been putting lily in it and she loves it.. Once you've use it a couple of times you master how to put them in.. I have her on my hip I don't know about the bf position.. I've found it to be uncomfortable on the first two outings with it but now I'm used to it it doesn't strain my back or anything.. Suppose everything takes time and we are all built differently.. I'm petite and have back problems so the littlest thing will irritate me but tbh the babasling is quite good! Better than my carrier with 50 straps and clips etc.. Just slip her in and off I go!! I hope you find one that works for you :)
If he you go for a baba sling there are loads cheap on ebay I found after buying one full price as I think lots of people don't like them! How big are you? I think the problem for a lot of women that they have small shoulders like me so find them too bulky, ring slings are more comfy and you can bf in them easily and put them on easily too.
Moby is the most comfortable for carrying but the ring sling I just bought is so easy to use and is just right for carrying baby on your hip which is what I like doing now. You can definitely breastfeed in this too.

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