

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2010
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Hi all ! Scarlet is now 6 weeks old (already !)..after a very good start with her sleeping habit she has now decided that she won't sleep anywherelse but on me or my partner...I really don't want this to become an habit but can I let a 6 weeks old cry herself to sleep in her cot ? I really can't help but picking her up after a little while,Is this wrong ?what to do ? any tips ?:wall2:
This is only my way, but I would allow that to happen and then start practising sneeking her down into her cot or moses basket once already asleep. I personally think that at 6 weeks , go with it, they need and like the comfort of being close to you. Do you have a moses basket to help prevent the cot feeling too big? My son didn't like the basket either tho. We co slept to get round this. Once Devon was 3 mths we got a cot light and music toy and used that at bedtime , it took a few weeks from then to get used to it and then bingo.
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well,we have a moses basket but she doesn't like it as she moves a lot..she seemed to like the cot at first but now whenever or wherever we try to lay her down she wakes up in a split second ! I let her sleep with me at night (I feed her lying down on my side and she usually falls asleep lying next to me )but daytime is more of a problem as I can't put her down so I'm stuck on the sofa all day while she's either sleeping on me or feeding ! The housework is piling up,LOL.. hopefully this will be a short phase but can't help thinking that I'm going to make it very difficult for myself in the long term..whatever I do I feel guilty ! hehe
Hey Hun, I've got a clevamama mattress topper thingy for dexter, it's memory foam so extra comfy for him and it has these two sides that you put at whatever width you want to go either side of little one, dex loves his
He likes to sleep on me but with this I can get him down and he stays asleep I think it's the cuddled feeling, he has also started going to sleep on his own wen I put him in there :)
Caitlin atill won't sleep in her crib during the day lol, only on me, if I put her down she wakes up immedietly and is then wide awake lol, so i just let her sleep on me, she doesn't nap that long anyway lol, plus I enjoy the snuggles! she napping less and less during the day so it not going to go on forever

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