Sleeping through


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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What do you class as sleeping through?
Just wondered as was looking in Isaac's little red book and haven't filled in the age he started sleeping through, what's everyone else think?
Jeni has been sleeping about 7 hours straight for about a week now, but she surprised me last night by sleeping 9 hours :shock:

The only problem is that she's starting the long sleep from about 9pm so I still have to wake during the night for one feed. I'm determined to get her moved by one feed so I can sleep right through the night myself :lol:
Isaac has slept through since he was 6 weeks old and I classed sleeping through as not waking for a night feed. Most nights Isaac goes to bed at 8pm then wakes anywhere between 7-9am. Yesterday he didn't have a sleep in the day and he fell asleep eating his dinner so I put him in bed at 6pm and he slept till 6am. Today if he has a sleep he will go to bed at 8pm but if he fights it and won't nap then he will probably be in bed again tonight by 7pm. We are going to a birthday party today so I'm praying he won't be tired and grumpy :pray:

Medically I think sleeping through is classed as sleeping for something like 8 hours straight. However, I class it as not waking for a night milky. Our LO is just finally at 9 months starting to not wake up for his night milky, 5 out of 7 nights he will sleep through 6.30-6.30 YAY! :cheer: goodbye insomnia, hello sleep.
officially its 5 hours for a small baby, but i started classing sleeping through when he started going from 7pm till 8:30am! :D
I dunno cos we haven't got to that stage yet :lol:

Ryan went through a phase when he was younger of sleeping right through from 9pm-7am but it only lasted a week.

Now he goes to bed at 9pm but he'll wake up at least once during the night. We stopped giving him milk when he woke and found that if we put him in our bed he'll go back to sleep right until the morning. We only did that to get him used to going right through without a night feed but now that's done, we have to work on getting him to sleep through in his cot :)
Its so much easier when the go into a bed or cot bed because if they wake in the night you can jump in next to them and get them back to sleep then sneak back into your own bed. Thats if you don't end up nodding off and don't make it back to your own bed :oops:

x-kirsty-x said:
I dunno cos we haven't got to that stage yet :lol:


I class sleeping though as them not waking up from when they go to bed till the morning (between 10-12 hours) oran generally wakes once a night - not for milk, not for cuddle, not for nappy changes, just to annoy me!
Thanks everyone, its interesting because I always think sleeping through as being like 7pm - 9am or something really long! Isaac sleep 7pm - 6am most nights, but has had lots of teething gripes lately so wakes often, sometimes only re-settling in bed with us.

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