Sleeping Through

Tina & Gabs

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
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Last night Gabriella slept for 9 hours and 10 minutes :cheer:

I could not believe it; I had to go in and check her to make sure she was ok. She normally sleeps between 5 and 6 and a half but this week she has increased and done 7 and 8 and then the 9 hours last night. I really really hope this is the start of things to come.

Please let her sleep long like that again tonight :pray:

Just had to share :D
Woohoo, well done Gabriella :cheer:

I reckon you will be fine now, Leorah has satyed sleeping through, our only hiccups have been her going to bed really late but tonight she went to sleep at 9pm, her earliest ever :cheer:

Isn't it nice to feel almost human again :lol:
That is great Katt, woohoo :cheer:

It definitely is great to feel almost human again, although I didn't sleep that well as we had high winds and it felt like the windows were going to cave in and then I was waiting for her to wake up, typical :roll:

Gabriella's bedtime has moved a bit later now, normally 9pm but last night it was 10pm, I don't mind if she sleeps for 9 hours though. :D

Ah, sleep..... :sleep: :sleep:
Hi Tina, how did Gabriella do last night? Leorah went through from 9pm until 8.15am :cheer: She would have probably gone back to sleep but I get her up around 8am every day so she distinguishes between night and day.

I hope you had a good night last night. We also have terrible winds and rain for over a week now and I get scared the windows will blow too or something will blow into them!
I know I've said it already but thought I'd say it again - well done Gabriella :cheer:

Looking forward to seeing you both on Saturday

Love Em and Oliver :hug:
Well done....please send sleep vibes this way, i want Mia to sleep though!!!

Amy xx
Well I have well and truly jinxed myself :roll: Had an awful night last night. Gabriella woke 3 times but it was because of her skin. It was really weeping and at 5am this morning I was bathing her head and putting cream on, well she thought it was time to get up and was giggling and squealing with delight, I just wanted to go to sleep but I found it very hard not to respond to her, so I gave her a small smile and put her back to bed, took her a while to go off and then she slept for a couple of hours...... not a good night.

Well Done Leorah :clap: That is fantastic Katt, hope it continues for you.

Amy sending sleep vibes to you :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Please send some to me now as well :D

Bye for now :hug:
Well Oliver has been going to 630 since christmas but I have not said the words.... sleeps all night! I will jinx it if I do! (he did not eat his dinner today so will proberly wake early tomorrow.)

hey fantastic news Skatty and Tina even though you didn't have a good night last night, you never know it may well be a sign of things to come! Otis is still waking twice a night but then he does go to bed at 7pm. Unfortunately he has been a bit of colour , he had a slight tempreture yesterday and woke at 5am this morning not feeling to great so the two of us moved into the spare room and after checking all the essentials - nappy change, made sure he wasn't hungry, took temp and gave him some calpol then finally put some olbas oil in a bowl with boiling water we finally managed to flake out until 9ish this morning! Not sure if he could be teething or just getting a cold :cry: . He is still very quite today but no temp, hope he picks up again tomorrow! :pray:
Tina hope Gabriella is feeling better today and has agood sleep tonight!
Hi and good sleep vibes to you all!!

Poor Gabriella, her eczema sounds awful, do you have central heating? When we first had it put in my house when I was a teenager I started getting eczema on my face and then when I worked it out I turned it off in my room and it cleared up. Its hard isn't it because it can be caused by so may different things.

Daggers I have had exactly the same thing going on with Leorah. She woke up screaming the other evening coughing and couldn't breath through her nose either so was having a a kind of panic attack which nearly induced me to have one too! thank god my mum bought a bottle of medised over, it cleared her nose and sent her to sleep within 20 mins. she seems much better today (as far as the cold is concerned) and I hope Otis does too

I have a feeling we wont be having an early night tonight. Leorah hasn't napped well all day, has stomach pains and green slimy poo ( sorry to be graphic!) it can mean only one thing and that is that I have slipped up again and must have eaten some dairy or soy. The only thing I can think off is that we bought 2 different types of bread rolls the other day which are both suposed to be free of these things but maybe they are made at the same place as other things that aren't. She seems to be super sensitive and the smallest amount of dairy sets her off.

I can hear my DH overstimulating her as I type :wall: All our good nights are when it is just the two of us, having Dad come home is just too exciting :lol:

Thats great hope she keeps it up maybe last night was just the odd bad one
Jadie, hope Oliver sleeps through tonight :pray:

Daggers, Poor Otis, bless him. I hope he is feeling better soon. Lots of colds going round at the moment.

Poor Leorah, It must be so hard for you as well. She really is super sensitive bless her. I hope you guys manage to have a good night tonight.

We do have central heating but it's not on in Gabriella's room. DH had eczema when he was a baby, so looks like it's been passed on unfortunately. She scratched her head so bad today that it bled, I was a little shocked when I saw it, I must say. I had to put mittens on for the rest of the day, I hate to do it as she loves her hands and I think it is good for her to explore but she just scratches away too much. She seems to scratch more when she is tired or stressed as well, poor little lamb.

Hope everyone has a good nights sleep with their little ones and I won't be jinxing myself again :D Night all :sleep: :sleep:
madi sleeps through every night, shes great :dance: she sleeps from 10 - 10.30 at night until about 8 in the morning, shes acctually having a lay in today lol, its almost 10am and shes still in bed :shock: good girl :D
Aww Tina that must be horrible having to watch poor Gabriella suffer so much. I think you are doing the right thing putting mitts on her so the eczema has a chance to heal. Send her a hug from me and Leorah and I send good sleep vibes :hug: :sleep:

Madi sounds like she's doing well. When I read a the posts about Madi she sounds so similar to Leorah sometimes. Leorah was 3+1 early so I wobnder if that is why they have so much in common. Leorah normally sgoes to sleep around 10/11pm and wakes between 7/8am. She really didn't want to get up at 8am this morning though :lol:

Leorah napped really badly yesterday and my the evening she was so overtired she had the biggest tantrum ever! It didn't last long but she was inconsoleable! i think it was partly because I have eaten something with dairy/soy by accident and partly because I have been trying to get her to take her afternoon nap indoors. She has very strong sleep associations for the day her snowsuit and then sleeping in her pram and at night in her sleeping bag. This is fine but in Feb we are staying at my Mum's flat in central London for a week and she is going to have to nap indoors, I am dreading it :lol:
skatty said:
Leorah napped really badly yesterday and my the evening she was so overtired she had the biggest tantrum ever! It didn't last long but she was inconsoleable!

aww, even if madi naps alot all day she still sleeps all night, shes like me, loves to sleep lol
That's what I mean, she didn't nap which meant she found it hard to drop off, the more she sleeps in the day the earlier she falls asleep for the night!

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