Sleeping through the night


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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I know it's too early for Joshua now but at how old can you let your baby sleep through without a feed during the night? I currently wake Joshua for a feed every4 hours during the night (what HV told me to do) and every 3 hours during the day. He has only just started letting me know when he wants feeding during the day which seems to be every 2 hours now. I was told this would prob happen as they are growing and want feeding more often. Just curious really. Thanks in advance ladies.xx
Personally I wouldn't wake him for a feed in the night. I have always been told that they'll let you know when they are hungry. Its annoying that HV's give out conflicting information.
When LO was really little he was jaundiced and we were told to wake him every 4 hours during the day to make sure he was feeding regularly. He tended to wake every 4 hours at night too anyway so I didn't need to wake him.
We have fed Sophie on demand from day 4 as we started formula feeding. She wakes every 2-3 hours by herself and at the minute is taking 3oz happily without asking for more.

I have to admit I have started dream feeding her at night if the routine is slightly out and if it means that she will wake at 3 instead of say 2 as this then messes up the next day for me to get everything done in a morning as it generally means that im running an hour behind which makes a huge difference.
Every baby is different, but BF babies tend to keep feeding through the night a bit longer, but again that's not a written rule.

We coslept with DS and he would latch on to me while we were sleeping but it used to stir me a bit. Now I've stopped BFing, when he turned 1, and he sleeps more in his own bed now he is sleeping through. Even if he comes in with us he still sleeps through.

I read that it's mroe common for babies to not start proper sleeping patterns until they are 2 years old so I'm just happy that my LO got there in 12 months!
TWO YEAR?!? Omg haha! I don't think I can cope!! Lol xx

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TWO YEAR?!? Omg haha! I don't think I can cope!! Lol xx

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lol My neighbours little girl is 2.5 and she hasn't slept through yet! She gets up and goes gets in her mums bed every night after the same amount of hours in her own bed! Neighbour has given up fighting it and lets her now coz she gets more sleep lol
If your lo was hungry im sure he would let you know, my lo was having night feeds until he was 8months old. He was at some stage feeding every three hours day and night! Exhausting. I wouldnt wake for a feed...just see how it goes...
TWO YEAR?!? Omg haha! I don't think I can cope!! Lol xx

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lol My neighbours little girl is 2.5 and she hasn't slept through yet! She gets up and goes gets in her mums bed every night after the same amount of hours in her own bed! Neighbour has given up fighting it and lets her now coz she gets more sleep lol

Oh please lord let LO sleep through soon lol!

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I would just let him tell you when he's hungry at night rather than wake him, that's quite an old fashioned approach unless baby is jaundiced, they normally let you know when they are hungry just like he does in the day!

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joshua dropped feeds in the night at about 6-7 months. We would dream feed him at about 11 until being about 8 months and one day just took a punt and stopped doing that and he sle straight through. Has done ever ince. Occasionally he will wake up in the night but normally when hes ill or something o we dont mind too much (well at that the time is happens is horrid) but in retrospect we cant complain. Hes slept all night ince thenand we've been really lucky!!

We got told to wake him every few hours and then i posted on here about it and everyone said that i shouldnt wake him. We tried it and he did start waking when hungry. Occasionally he would sleep for ages and after he woke he needed a little bit more but we left him to work it out himself orta thing.

It i irritating that HVs do all give different advice on the same ubject. tbh thats why iv found this place o helpful. Having advice from mummies who have done it/doing ti. You do get different opinion on here as well but its nice to hear it from a 'hands on' perspective..

Anyway im rambling...

I would also say let him sleep at night, he will wake when he's hungry :) my lo used to wake twice in the night for feeds, then a few weeks later just once and then a few weeks after that she wasnt waking till 7-8 ish
Every baby is different, but BF babies tend to keep feeding through the night a bit longer, but again that's not a written rule.

We coslept with DS and he would latch on to me while we were sleeping but it used to stir me a bit. Now I've stopped BFing, when he turned 1, and he sleeps more in his own bed now he is sleeping through. Even if he comes in with us he still sleeps through.

I read that it's mroe common for babies to not start proper sleeping patterns until they are 2 years old so I'm just happy that my LO got there in 12 months!

How does it work with your LO latching on while co sleeping? I generally feed him in bed then but him back in his basket after when he's fallen asleep in bed.

Every baby is different, but BF babies tend to keep feeding through the night a bit longer, but again that's not a written rule.

We coslept with DS and he would latch on to me while we were sleeping but it used to stir me a bit. Now I've stopped BFing, when he turned 1, and he sleeps more in his own bed now he is sleeping through. Even if he comes in with us he still sleeps through.

I read that it's mroe common for babies to not start proper sleeping patterns until they are 2 years old so I'm just happy that my LO got there in 12 months!

How does it work with your LO latching on while co sleeping? I generally feed him in bed then but him back in his basket after when he's fallen asleep in bed.

I used to wear a nursing top and but mostly it was undone and he would just latch on in his sleep. Sometimes I wouldn't even know it happened but OH would've seen it. Mostly it did disturb me, even if just while he initially latched then I'd drift off again. But once I got pregnant again I couldn't handle BFing any more and had to stop him cold turkey, which he was fine with thank god.

This is how I slept for a year lol, obviously used to swap sides during the night, but as he got older would only swap once...
TWO YEAR?!? Omg haha! I don't think I can cope!! Lol xx

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!

lol My neighbours little girl is 2.5 and she hasn't slept through yet! She gets up and goes gets in her mums bed every night after the same amount of hours in her own bed! Neighbour has given up fighting it and lets her now coz she gets more sleep lol

Oh please lord let LO sleep through soon lol!

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!

Oz didn't sleep through until I stopped BFing at 12 months. Now he usually goes through with a few disturbances int he first few hours of sleep, which is better than during early hours. Once he's in his deep sleep though he's a great sleeper now. Although he's teething atm and coz of that doesn't mean he's sleeping through every night, but I don't mind coz I'm getting full nights sleeps more often than not now! For a few months anyway lol
i never heard of anyone being advised to wake a baby to feed them :eh: but then again my baby wouldnt sleep for long without screaming anyway so Ive got no experience. I would imagine its fine to just let the baby take the lead and let you know when they need feeding.
Every baby is different, but BF babies tend to keep feeding through the night a bit longer, but again that's not a written rule.

We coslept with DS and he would latch on to me while we were sleeping but it used to stir me a bit. Now I've stopped BFing, when he turned 1, and he sleeps more in his own bed now he is sleeping through. Even if he comes in with us he still sleeps through.

I read that it's mroe common for babies to not start proper sleeping patterns until they are 2 years old so I'm just happy that my LO got there in 12 months!

How does it work with your LO latching on while co sleeping? I generally feed him in bed then but him back in his basket after when he's fallen asleep in bed.

I used to wear a nursing top and but mostly it was undone and he would just latch on in his sleep. Sometimes I wouldn't even know it happened but OH would've seen it. Mostly it did disturb me, even if just while he initially latched then I'd drift off again. But once I got pregnant again I couldn't handle BFing any more and had to stop him cold turkey, which he was fine with thank god.

This is how I slept for a year lol, obviously used to swap sides during the night, but as he got older would only swap once...

Sorry if this is a stupid question but do you not leak everywhere?

Every baby is different, but BF babies tend to keep feeding through the night a bit longer, but again that's not a written rule.

We coslept with DS and he would latch on to me while we were sleeping but it used to stir me a bit. Now I've stopped BFing, when he turned 1, and he sleeps more in his own bed now he is sleeping through. Even if he comes in with us he still sleeps through.

I read that it's mroe common for babies to not start proper sleeping patterns until they are 2 years old so I'm just happy that my LO got there in 12 months!

How does it work with your LO latching on while co sleeping? I generally feed him in bed then but him back in his basket after when he's fallen asleep in bed.

I used to wear a nursing top and but mostly it was undone and he would just latch on in his sleep. Sometimes I wouldn't even know it happened but OH would've seen it. Mostly it did disturb me, even if just while he initially latched then I'd drift off again. But once I got pregnant again I couldn't handle BFing any more and had to stop him cold turkey, which he was fine with thank god.

This is how I slept for a year lol, obviously used to swap sides during the night, but as he got older would only swap once...

Sorry if this is a stupid question but do you not leak everywhere?

lol. When he was really young I did, but I used to wear breast pads all the time. Used to leak out one boob while he was on teh other and used to leak like crazy in the bath!

Leaking eased up by the time he was about 7 months old for me, but it never caused a problem breast pads didn't solve!
Didn't really word that well. I meant by the time he was 7 months old the leaking had stopped, but from birth to 7 months it got less and less all the time xxx
Hey chicky,

We don't wake lo at night anymore. Tend to feed last bottle between 10 and 12, depending on when he wants it, and then he wakes us (or me mostly lol) when he wants feeding at night.

I told HV this yesterday and she was fine with it. Said it encourages them to sleep at night.

Angel has some nights where she'll sleep for 8-10 hours straight and some nights where she will continue waking every 4-5 for a feed. I remember sharing this with another forum and I got abuse saying I should never let a baby sleep for that long without a feed - total nonsense! What many others have said is right, if baby is hungry they will certainly let you know. xx.

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