my routine with salfie is that i take him up at five, put him in the bath which relaxes him and i think it gives him an indication that this is bedtime, then i dry him off, give him a baby massage cause he gets xma and then dress him in his pj's, then i turn the light off sit in the chair with him so its really quiet and give him his bottle and read a story to him and then hes zonked, i put him to bed and hes gone for the rest of the night, he normally wakes up about 6.30 - 7 and has 5 8oz bottles in the day so even tho hes pigging out in the day hes having enough food to see him through the nite, dont no if this has helped hun, maybe a bedtime routine to let ur LO know theres a difference between day and nite, sorry if im just stating sumthing ur already doing hun x