Sleeping question


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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When my boy goes to bed i put him in on his back but he wont stay that way, eventually he will roll on to his side then his front, there is no point in trying to turn him over. But when he does he wakes up everytime his dummy falls out, he used to before when he was on his back but the time between his dummy falling out and him noticing was a lot longer than it is now, plus it only seems to have been the past week that it has been falling out so regularly which means i have been up every 10/15 mins putting his dummy back in and soothing him back to sleep, which has left me crackered for my first week at work.

Any advice?

Lots of questions just lately, i dont think i have ever made so many threads in one night :roll:

hmm, it probably depends on what your policy is going to be in terms of bedtime generally? We went for a liberal "go in when he cries" approach until he was about 9 months and I counted having to go in 12 times one night just to pop his dummy back in- aargh! I then decided that he wasn't even trying to sooth himself or reach for it as I was always there to do it for him so we did do crying it out and actually in terms of during the night waking it took about one night and about 10 mins of crying twice. In terms of going to sleep it took three nights but after that it was fine until he got disrupted by teething (I go back to going in at the least cry if he's ill or teething).

Some people don't like the technique and I agree it's not good at all with little babies and I think it depends on the character of your baby so I guess it's up to you? At the time I was getting very run down through lack of sleep and had very little patience during the day with him because of it so I weighed up the options and decided it was the best way for all of us and in the end he actually did it incredibly quickly anyway. Can he put his dummy back in himself? Could you use one of those holders that have a very short string on them and put the dummy on that? I found one that was so short I considered it safe enough to sleep with and used that for a while until he started sleeping on his tummy and I figured it would be uncomfortable to sleep on it but by that point he could find it himself.

Not sure that helps but :hug: because I remember that being very trying
Isaac only started taking a dummy at 5months, and I do know how annoying the 'dummys fell out' routine is. Have you tried leaving him 5mins to see if he re-settles without it? I would maybe try that if you can, sometimes babies cry because of the change, not specifically because they want/need something. I have often had to go into Isaac well over 10, 20 times a night, and some nights ended up just going to bed with him as its just so tiring.

Or you could try settling him with his dummy, then pull it out before leaving the room, and re-settle him without the dummy, this does work sometimes, I've found, but every LO is different and it also depends on teething too as that can make them just irritable for obvious reasons :( I really hope it sorts itself out, I would give leaving for a couple of minutes at least, a try, because he may be OK after the initial cry? Very best wishes with it, good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: We went down the control crying route has I had a good idea what his types of cry. On the health visitors advice. It worked a treat. he still has a dummy but only to settle him, then I place it next to him so he can find it. Next stage is to get him out of the dummy, but with a baby on the way, I cannot begrudge it him yet, he only has it at night.

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