Sleeping position?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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I've heard somewhere that the left side is the best one to sleep on. Is this true? I find it hard to stay in one position all night and I keep waking up worrying about it!
Its funny you should write that, my OH was telling me off last week for sleeping on my right, telling me I should sleep on my left! i thought he just didn't want me to breathe on him but he said it was something to do with the baby.......can't remember what? :wall:
well you should not sleep on your back because it slows down the blood to the placenta but ive told my midwife about the left and right hand side and she said that no one can sleep in the same position all night..that was her answer so i still dont know if its right or wrong..
My god near the end I slept any way that was comfy and made sure that Ella didn't boot me too much! Plan to this time aswell!!
Here you go:

"Some doctors specifically recommend that pregnant women sleep on the left side. Because your liver is on the right side of your abdomen, lying on your left side helps keep the uterus off that large organ."

I always wake up on my right side, think my body will just make itself comfy and if I'm comfy I'm not complaining.
I try to sleep on my left but it's impossible. I have to turn over every half hour or so cos my hips start hurting.
i always sleep on my right ,always have done with every pregnancy i cant sleep towards the centre of the bed
I try and start on my left side but end up turning left and right all night.
I'm not sleeping brilliantly at the mo.
I also toss and turn all night... start on left side but always end up on left side, but know that I have been back and forwards all night !!
Thanks Emmylou for the info, I knew something was affected from sleeping on the right and also on the back! Mind you, it will be impossible to stay put, I'm so uncomfortable at the moment. :sleep:
Try to go off on my left side but can only fall asleep on my right side!! Do wake up with sore hips though,usually on my right side....

I often wake up on my back too, now I am worried I am damaging my baby!!!! Should I surround myself with pillows so I dont roll onto my back??? :shock:
I often wake up on my back too, now I am worried I am damaging my baby!!!! Should I surround myself with pillows so I dont roll onto my back???
You'll be fine, I ended up on my back loads of times with Ella and she's here. I think sometimes there is too much helpful advice out there tbh.
well, i swapped sides with dh last night and everytime i woke up i still woke on my right side :roll:
I agree with Kina tbh!!!! I think you just need to sleep however is comfy for you!
having no problem sleeping at the mo but think i will be a right grumpy bum when i don't sleep as well!! :shock:

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