Sleeping on your back?


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Does anyone else find it hard sleeping on your back at night it feels like the muscles in my tummy are all getting really stretched its not painful just uncomfortable?
Well, I'm having trouble sleeping on my back because I normally sleep on my tummy. I know what you mean about stretching, when I reach for something especially!

It's well protected in there, but I know what you mean about it being "uncomfortable" it's hard to describe exactly how it feels.


I invested in a wedge pillow to put under my belly as it's starting to pull a little on my left when I lie on my right. £10 in mothercare.
Tegala-7thMarch08 said:
my body goes all numb wen i sleep on my back :(

I prefer sleeping on my back. However, i'm sure someone told me its dangerous in pregnany after 4 months as you can limit blood supply, you can wake up feeling dizzy. Maybe thats why you feel numb Tegala? Think its something to do with an artery in the back? xx
i cant get comfy at all at nights at the moment, i am all over the bed annoying OH who asked me one night "should i go through to one of the other bedrooms" :lol: poor guy!

i still like sleeping on my belly, i think once that starts to be uncomfortable il need to find a new position!
what about maybe sleeping to the side with a pillow between your legs? Would that help?

Normally when i bed down its alone cause i go down so ealy these days, sleep on tummy with a hot water bottle on my baack, its heaven!!

i know exactly what you mean. but then when i go on my side it irritates the top of my legs/pelvis. i end up sleeping with a HUGE winnie the pooh between my legs to stop it grrr
I usually sleep on my tummy hehe I freak everyone out coz I sleep with my face in the pillow and nobody knows how i breath!!! I guess I'll just sleep on my side instead :)
Shaun used to freak me out with his sleeping, he sleeps with his eyes open :shock: weirdo lol

Can you breathe? lol does it not wake you up?
I would pee myself if Anrhony slept with his eyes open how scarey! Hahaha I know i would turn over in the middle of the night and poke them hehe!

I don't quite know myself hehe when I was growing up I used to have a crease in my nose where It would be pressed up against the pillow luckily its faded as i got older but if I crinkle my nose up its really obvious!
I cant sleep on my belly anymore, feel really wierd when i wake up and am led on my back, but am fine if i'm falling asleep on it, if i try and lie on sides i get a shoting pain up me right from crotch to top of belly (i'm assuming bubs is led on a nerve somewhere) i hate it!!
I slept on my belly right up until it started being uncomfortable, and now i put a pillow under me and find i can lie pretty much on it but angled slightly, keeps my wieght off him
ooohh... funny you should say that. I was lying on my back in bed the other night and it felt like the muscles right at the bottom of my belly was stretched like an elastic band.

should that be happening so early????

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