sleeping on their fronts


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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The past 3 days when i put Mia down for a nap-she's been rolling on to her front and either falls asleep or screams for me to come in and put her back on to her back-for her to then do it again-i worry about her sleeping on her front, and also not being able to move back over in her cot...she's also started doing this during the night where she keeps rolling on to her front and either screaming or falling asleep-i've been worrying about it-what can i do to stop her keep rolling over??

I've even moved her toys out of her cot cos she keeps rolling over and talking to them.

Here she is when she should be having a kip!!

Amy xx[/img]
I have been told that when they are able to roll onto their fronts then they are ok falling asleep like that as they should be able to roll over again... although I don't know how comfortable I would feel about this!

Have you tried putting rolled up balnkets either side of her to stop her from turning over?
Strange Ellis has been sleeping on his front for the past week too!! He seems to like it better and he can roll himself back now so i just leave him.

She looks well cute in her cot. I had to take Ellis' bumper off cos he kept putting it over his head!!

From what I've read after 6 months, you should place them in their cots on their backs but if they roll over onto their fronts or sleep on their sides you should let them do so.

I would take any cot bumpers or anything that they can pull off with ties etc that could harm them out of the cot at this age.

Our son is now sleeping in all kinds of positions but I must admit it doesn't worry me now that he's that bit older. I only give him his comforter to sleep with as anything else distracts him. The mobile was a waste of money!
Thanks for that girls. When Mia is on her play mat she rolls all over, but for some reason she wont turn herself back over in her cot.

Mia also pulls at her cot bumper and hides under it, but i've left it there beacuse she also bum shuffles backwards and her head is always up against the cot bars, and its a bit hard on her head otherwise. Going to have to move her toys though, she has been having a play with them in the night now too.

Keely hope Ellis is still sleeping well for you?

Amy xx
Arianna has always rolled on to her side in her sleep even when she was tiny... she screams on her back and on her front if it's sleepy time.
Olivia has always slept on her tummy and been fine! She would never settle on her back! I always put her down on her tummy but recently she has benn rolling onto her side or her back and going to sleep!

I wouldn't worry Mia will soon learn to roll onto her back!

I had to take Ellis' bumper off cos he kept putting it over his head!!

We laso had to take Olivia's bummper off as she was doing the same! She always pushes herself to the top of the cot!, i move her down when i cheak on her but she just moves up again :roll:

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