Sleeping/Napping on their tummy?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Was told in hospital not to let Calum sleep on his tummy. Do you let yours sleep or nap on their tummies in the day time?
no i dont but theres no rule why Calum cant if your watching over him.

BTW he looks so peaceful in his most recent pic on your sig.

Angel hates tummy time so she won't nap on it. She sleeps on her side though.
thomas will only sleep on his belly at night as for naps its normaly on his belly unless im holding him
Louis thinks that tummy time is made for naps during the day! As long as I'm watching him there's no reason to disturb him if he wants to have a nap... he will very rarely fall asleep on his back during the day while he is a very good sleeper at night :sleep:
Lola used to hate tummy time so this was never a problem for us when she was little :)

When she started getting bigger though she started rolling in her sleep. If she ends up on her tummy i don't turn her over but when she first goes to bed i always put her on her back :D
Eva has only starting going to sleep on her tum or side recently, I try not to worry since she puts herself there but I always put her down on her back to start with. I think once they have good head control its less of a worry as they will be strong enough to lift their head off the mattress even when they are sleepy.
We had terrible time worrying about her rolling onto her tum when she was little....we would turn her, then she would go staight back to her tum........She just preferred it this way

Even now in nursery, they willl wake her from her nap coz she is on her tum, we have asked them to leave her but they wont :wall:

Its the ony way she has ever been really comfy xx
James has always preferred being on his tummy. When he was tiny he always used to fall asleep if I lay him across my lap and bounced him while he was on his tummy. I always left him to sleep like that, after all it was a great excuse for a sit down! As soon as he could roll he would always turn onto his tummy and even now that is his preferred way of sleeping. I still put him down on his back but within seconds he has flipped over.
Thanks for your replies ladies, its made me feel happier about letting him sleep for awhile on his tummy. His so peaceful and doesnt make noises when on his tummy as he does on his back!
BTW he looks so peaceful in his most recent pic on your sig.
This is what happened after having his first bath with me! I then used the hairdryer on him and placed him in his crib so i could dry my hair and he was like that when i went back to him! i think he looks so cute...
adam sleeps on his front

if he falls asleep under the baby gym on his back he will nap for 1/2 hour max but if i put him on his front in his pram or on the floor etc he will sleep for hours :lol: :lol:
Sam loves sleeping on his front, and if he is really unsettled for any reason and he's due a nap,we always put him down that way and he falls asleep almost instantly. That said, he has been able to turn over and back again from 3 weeks old (yes, 3 WEEKS - hv thought I was a nutter until she saw it for herself, but it turned out this was because he has some back tension issues so rolls over to get out of pain).

I put him to bed on his back but don't roll him back if he has gone onto his front.

Lisa xxx
Anjali has always slept on her front day and night. if you're worried, get a sensor mat. Thats what i did for the first 3 months . By then i was certain she was fine and now i leave her to it. She's never once fallen asleep on her back not even for a minute!
The reason they say not to put them on their front is because they sleep better on their front...and its been suggested that in deep sleep babies can "forget" to breathe resulting in SIDS...

My parents were told to put me to sleep on my front to prevent SIDs, and once lil miss got to 6 months I just let her sleep on her front all the time, as she seems to sleep better that way :)

When she was tiny though there were times I'd let her sleep on me, tummy to tummy which she adored and would always sleep for a long time. :D
leland sleeps on his front , i put him down on his back but he doesnt stay that way !
Thanks for your replies. After days of thinking about it i decided to start by putting him on his tummy for naps in the day and this was fine, also easier too keep an eye on his breathing.
Paul was dead against me putting him on his tummy at night, but i tried the other night although i was scared and kept waking up to check him, it meant we had a good nights sleep as Calum wasnt making lots of noise which he does in his sleep :?
Then last night he slept right through! I know it might not last, but if he does, boy am i looking forward to 6hours :sleep:
My health visitor told me to give Aimee 'tummy time' but only when I am watching her. If she is particularly restless when we are trying to get her to sleep we'll put her on her tummy on us and she'll drift off to sleep. It is probably our heartbeat that soothes her, so the health visitor says! :) I wouldn't put her on her tummy in her basket though. I am too worried about that. Only when we are holding her.
Jacob sleeps on his tummy all the time now, night time and day time naps. I put him down on his back but he flips over in minutes! I use a sensor mat in his cot and he goes in there for day time naps too so that gives me peace of mind :)
Finlay sleeps on his front too - has done from day one

In fact if we put him in is pram on his back when we go out he'll lie there awake till he is back in his car seat then promptly falls asleep :lol:

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